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Because I am His Bride, I started to pour out my heart before my Heavenly Spouse...but in the wrong way.
I began with a stressful list of requests that I needed fulfilled this week, when I remembered His will for me:
"Seek first My kingdom & My righteousness, and all these things [life's necessities] will be added to you."
But how could I take comfort in THAT? There was so much that NEEDED to be done.
It was then that He mercifully "redeemed my soul from the battle that was against me" (Psalm 55:18) by reminding me, that: There is not a word on our tongues or a need on our lips but that HE KNOWS it altogether BEFORE WE EVEN ASK HIM (Psalm 139:4 & Matthew 6:8)
"What then shall you say to these things? If I, the Lord, am for you, who can be against you?
I Who did not spare My own Son, but delivered Him up for you all, how shall I not (with Him) also freely give you all things?" ~Romans 8:31-32

"Cast your burden on Me, and I shall sustain you. I shall never permit the righteous to be moved....Cast all your care upon Me, for I care for you." ~Psalm 55:22 & 1 Peter 5:7

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