His Love Beyond Mortal Love

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How very fitting it is that God often equates in metaphor, His people being as a virgin, as His bride.
Is it not commonly known that women as spouses/mothers often struggle with identity criseses, seeing themselves as unqualified and ill-equipped to fulfill their role? The sensitive and humble woman will often wonder if she is bringing enough pleasure and blessing to her husband.

Do we too not often wonder and struggle within ourselves whether Christ, after having espoused us, is still pleased with us, whether He delights in us. Yet praise be to God, He speaks His love through the song of marriage. If husbands, being evil, know how to give good gifts to their wives, can God be found to come short? Can anyone out-love Love? We have only to look at how "head-over-heels crazy" we are in loving our wives and thus, remember and take assured hope that God truly loves us even though we know, apart from Him, just to ourselves, there is nothing in us deserving of His attention and passion. His pure love and passionate faithfulness is like the sun to the lightbulb of our imperfect, weak human love.

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