Immitators of Cyncism...OR COMPASSION?

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Conservative Christianity teaches us to be Cynical and uncompromising towards the unbelieving and lost.

Christ (Biblical Christianity) teaches us to be Compassionate while uncompromising, towards the unbelieving and lost.

If we are called to "be imitators of God as dear children" (see Ephesians 5:1), then our hearts and lives must be full of compassion [and not cynicism] for this is who God is. (See Psalm 111:4, 112:4, Psalm 144:8)

Paul wept over apostates of the Church. (Philippians 3:18) Today, we mostly write about them. For a time, God pleaded with His elder son, Israel, to participate and rejoice in the salvation of the Gentiles (Luke 15:28-32, Jonah 4), even leaving the 99 to go after the 1 lost and wandering astray. (Matthew 18:12-14, 2 Peter 3:9, Ezekiel 33:11) Yet today, many of us followers of God don't seek them out in prayer, but would rather remain content to criticize their blindness and lostness at a distance.

He would be a poor doctor if the entire time with his patient [much more, his entire career] was spent in diagnosing-exposing sicknesses, and not also in administering healing. Praise God O spiritually blessed and wise in heart, that the One who created us and the Fathee who adopted us, was and is never full of cyncism toward us but rather had and still has, a heart of yearning and of mercy toward us. (Isaiah 63:15)

"On the last day when Jesus calls me by name, 'Come Brennan, blessed of My Father", it will not be because Abba is Just, but because His name is Mercy." ~Brennan Manning

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