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"You have set our iniquities before You; our secret sins in the light of Your countenance." ~Psalm 90:8

Though the conviction of this truth lays stripes to cleanse the innermost depths of our heart (Proverbs 20:30) it also brings with it, comfort. Our Father in Heaven is perfect in His justice and love to place our sins, not before us but, before Himself. He is the best and solely competent to deal with them. He will not err nor be imbalanced in His dealings with us. He will not lean to one side or the other in the balance of His toughness and tenderness, His rebuke and redemption, His hurt and His healing. If He were to set our iniquities before our face, we would deal with them in one of two ways: Either deceive ourselves by making excuses/justifying ourselves (1 John 1:8) or be bowed down to despair with the truth (Psalm 130:3-4). It is right and good, it is the perfect setting that God should set our sins in the light of His countenance, before His presence. He will not err in His judgment or His mercy. He will deal with us perfectly. Though there is necessary hurt from the blows of His revelation and discipline yet there comes fast behind on its heels, His hope.

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