LUCY (Movie Review)

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I watched "Lucy" last night and was fascinated on the note that the film ended on. "Man's destiny is to pass knowledge on to others." That's a humanistic perspective because I talked with an atheist once who told me the exact same thing. The way humanistic man tries to be positive and hopeful in living a life without obligation to a moral, redeeming God is by giving himself the purpose that knowledge (and the passing on of it) is his ultimate goal and destiny.
As you know, there was a man who already tried that. Solomon (see the Book of Ecclesiastes) was a king and the richest and wisest man that history will ever know. He spent his life researching and increasing in knowledge and in the end, found despair. He could not remain hopeful, for knowledge (without redemption, without salvation) could only give man a hellish endless cycle of entropy and purposelessness. Knowledge without a Redeeming God can only birth illusions of hope that will ultimately do nothing to save or to make man better. The Fall destines men to the despair and destruction of sin but the saving knowledge of God gives man substantial hope because he can live and invest in what will not fade away. The best part about it is, we can take this knowledge beyond the grave and have it as an eternal treasure to us.  That knowledge (its beginning and end) is Jesus Christ.

Isn't it also interesting that when Lucy reached the "full capabilities" of her brain, that she essentially became like God? Near the end, she destroys herself with all the knowledge and information she acquires and ends up permeating all of the universe. "I am everywhere" she says in text to the policeman on his phone. (A cosmic humanist approach.)
That's the old lie Satan gave man at the beginning: "You can become like God..." Well, quite frankly, though Lucy seems to get the whole picture, all knowledge does not and cannot give man the full picture and he ends up destroying himself (like Lucy did when her brain reached 100% capabilities) because he ends up living a life without the essential piece that completes his world: knowledge of the Eternal, Life-Giving, and Redeeming God. Man's self-created hopes that we can progress higher through knowledge is an illusion and can only give an endless cycle of hell to have knowledge but without the Ultimate, Everlasting Purpose. Knowledge without Eternity gets man lost in the cycle of entropy.

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