A Prophetic Dream of God's Victory

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So, I wanted to share this story with you my family in humble praise to the merciful faithfullness, intimacy, and hope from our Savior. (I apologize ahead of time if its over-lengthy)

So a few weeks ago, I asked my groomsmen to pray for me as I felt God laying a call to resolution on me, though I wasn't sure specifically or clearly what that resolution is. "Through your prayers and the supply of the Holy Spirit" [Phil. 1:19] the Lord has been working on my slow heart to draw closer and relate more intentionally, and not passively, as I have been since I got married.
And I know that they are not the only ones who have been praying for me and that there are many more, including you my family, who have lifted Elisabeth&I up in your prayers. Thank you and God bless you tenfold!

When I shared this "calling to resolution" with my Hong Kong friend (father of 4), Perry, he said he would pray that God would graciously speak to me through dreams and visions. In a indirect way, I told my friend Perry that we ought to seek God's Word above all things, and if dreams or visions should follow, then God be praised. But my friend reminded me that God HAS PROMISED in His Word (in Joel 2) that He would cause us to "see visions and dream dreams". Perry and I try to meet every Wednesday at 6 AM for prayer (though I am not as consistent, especially if I dont get a good night's sleep), and the last couple times he has prayed Joel 2 over me and has encouraged me to be open in humbly seeking God to use such means, according to what He has already promised.

As far as I can remember, this is the 1st time in my life I have been able to ask God for dreams and visions with an open and clear heart, without ulterior motives of wanting to be special or to show off to others.

Well, the point of me saying all this is that: Last night, I had a prophetic dream. It was really short and didnt have a lot of details. All I remember is that I was with Elisabeth...and I got that familiar tingling-goose bump feel that we have all experienced that tells us the presence of demonic forces are near. In the past, when this has happened, there immediately comes a "ten-second moment" of intense struggle of trying to get my "cotton-ball filled mouth and dry throat" to rebuke the demon in Jesus' Name.
But it didnt happen this time in this dream.

Instead, when I started sensing the presence of the demonic force, in my dream I cried, "Ha! God has victory over you! You have no control over me porn!"
Right when I said, "Ha!" it was if something snapped in the air and the fearful, tingling sensations just completely fled and evaporated.
It was after that dream, I immediately woke up and saw Elisabeth kneeling over me. After I asked her what was wrong, she cried and held me and said I was choking in my sleep and at one point, I quit breathing. That was odd to me because I didnt notice anything in my dream in regard to choking.

God be praised, He watches over us. I call this dream 'prophetic' because I know, and God knows even better, I am not there yet. I have recently been re-reading a book I forgot I had in my library, sent as a gift from Derek, "Sexual Detox" written by a honest young man who Biblically declares the reality of both the temptation of porn never being gone, and the hope and victory of quenching the desire to it.

Thank you all for reading this testimony and for your past prayers. I know this dream is not an indication I have achieved yet, but to continue striving onward for the prize of the upward call. I am strengthened and reaffirmed in my faith that God will free those of us who wrestle with this, not from the annoying attacks of the enemy yet still from the deception, captivity and mirage of it. In your already busy lives, please remember us in your interceding prayers and we would also like to be a shield for you in praying in whatever way we can for you. God alone be glorified and may we all be humbled!

"The right hand of the Lord is exalted; The right hand of the Lord does valiantly.I shall not die, but live, And declare the works of the Lord.The Lord has chastened me severely, But He has not given me over to death.Open to me the gates of righteousness; I will go through them, And I will praise the Lord.This is the gate of the Lord, Through which the righteous shall enter.I will praise You, For You have answered me, And have become my salvation." ~Psalm 118:16-21

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