His Love Calls

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~HIS LOVE CALLS~ (from inDifference to devotion; from repetition to relationship; from practice to passion; from legalism to love)

We won't be young forever. That is true, yet that is only one side of the coin.

The other side is that: There are many opportunities between now and then for our lives to be compromised.

That is why it is important for you and I to cast ourselves regularly (if not daily) upon the Lord; through seeking Him in His Word [inhale] and by communicating with Him (prayer) [exhale].
The World, the Flesh, and the Evil One have laid so many snares to trip us up and entrap us, attempting to stain our lives permanently and neutralize us for use in expanding the kingdom of God. We won't be young forever; the years will pass quickly. Yet there is still a long road ahead while we live this fallen life on earth. This life is too dangerous to live complacently. We need that constant, objective hunger in seeking the Lord through His Word & prayer.

I am ever tempted and struggle with the foolish question: "How much attention do I have to show to God that He may still continue to be good to me and still allow me to be able to get away with pursuing my own interests and pleasures?"
No! I am taking advantage of God's grace and His faithfulness for granted. First of all, we can't earn or coerce Him into faithfulness. He already is (Faithful & True) and will continue to be regardless of how we choose to respond. To focus and fight between balancing your personal pursuits and pursuing Him is the wrong place and battle to be fighting.

Rather!...focus on what He has done for you! If He has poured out so much of His love on you (salvation, daily blessings, grace, etc.) surely it should grow in you to want to return such fierce ardor and passion back towards Him! This is true and perfect love! Would it not hurt a wife if her husband just USED her for whenever he 'needed' or 'wanted' her, and not actually be UNITED and relate to her? Her devotion, passion, and service should cause to stir in him the same; that he should want (long, desire) to give back to her!

Remember the words of our Lord Jesus: It is more blessed to give than receive. [Acts 20:35] This does not apply just in how we relate to our neighbor, but also (ultimately) how we relate to God. We are not to live legalistic lives. Enough my soul with playing the game of "balancing & self-justification" where I try to excuse or "cleanse" my 50% focus on my pursuits with a 50% pursuit focus of Christ! He has shown such love, grace, faithfulness (devotion) to us! Should we not naturally desire to show Him the same? O grow us more O God!

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