Speaking as though He only heard

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If we are declaring and sharing God's truth, our hearts must learn that they might grow in being humbly-impartial to how few people may hear, notice, and value it.
First, because we are to do all to the glory of God the Father. (Matthew 6:1-6) We are to speak and live in a way that brings glory and focus to the Only One Who can save, and not seek to draw attention to ourselves. The hearts of men may fail to receive, yet the Word of God can overcome such failure. (Isaiah 55:10-11)
Second, because we are to imitate Christ who was unconcerned and unmoved by how few noticed or understood the Truth; for many times He declared, 'He who has ears to hear, let him hear...' (Proverbs 9:1-12, Revelation 2 & 3)
Lastly, and not in least, because God's Spirit works in and through other avenues and members of Christ's Body, than just us. (1 Corinthians 12) We should not overvalue and overestimate ourselves like Elijah, who despaired in seemingly being the only one to fulfill God's work in a lost nation. (1 Kings 19) And neither should we underestimate and devalue the grace and strength of God in us, like Moses once did. (Exodus 4) God works through all Christ's members and all His children. You may plant or you may be called to water, yet it is God who will bring about the increase. (1 Corinthians 3:5-8)

He has ears to hear, so He will hear and He will be glorified. May you be humbled.

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