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The life of a follower of Christ, is not ultimately self-sustained; it is mercy & grace-sustained. Mercy is the heart and attitude of God. And grace is His hands by which His mercy is expressed and acted upon. Though they are similar and united in their work, yet they are distinct. A particular tree produces fruit; there is no question that the fruit is a part of the tree. At the same time, the fruit cannot be confused with being the whole tree nor vice versa. Mercy produces and upholds grace.

Now this is where the truth of the "responsibility of man" comes into play and focus here: Just as God surrounded the first man Adam, with an abundance of fruitful trees in Eden that he was to be both nourished by and maintain, so God has also surrounded us with His mercy along with the manifestation and merciful inheritance of His grace. Adam did not give life to the trees, but God did. Man's responsibility from God was to maintain the trees that He had spoken into existence and sustained by the Word of His power.

Today, we have a similar responsibility-calling from Him. We have the ability to choose whether we will reach out for what God has already made available, accept it, be nourished by it, use it to His glory and cultivate our lives by it...or choose (like Esau) to take this heavenly inheritance for granted, disregard God's sustenance (grace) that is available, and leave it to fall to the ground without it ever affecting and blessing our souls.
We are called to choose life, to choose Him and maintain His Spirit dwelling within us or else we bring death to ourselves by refusing His fruit, refusing to surrendur to His ministering-reigning presence, and refusing to maintain-cultivate His mercy in our lives; denying the opportunity of blessing it has to change us for the better, for the best.


"...Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is I who work in you both to will and to do for My good pleasure." says the Lord ~Philippians 2:12-13

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