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God will mercifully sanctify our understanding through His Word. The Son of God's blood is not to be thought of as some "mask" that tricks the eyes of the omniscient Father-Creator. Christ's blood does not "gild" and "paint over" sin to hide stains. His blood is more deeper, permanent and powerful than that. His blood purges and completely obliterates any existence of sin and its debt to God's holiness and justice. God accepts those who obey and trust in His Name, not because His eyes and justice are tricked but rather because He sees us as we truly are: We are Christ's, transformed, we are married to Him not "masked" by Him, and therefore God makes us His own as well. Because God sees His Son's payment for our infinite debts, His blood on the door posts of our lives, God finds no reason for His justice to pursue us but rather His love in pursuing us because, as once illegitimate sons and lost sheep, His Son, the Chief Shepherd that the Father Himself sent for us on our behalf, has reconciled us back to the Father.

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