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The little that I&Elisabeth have learned so far from being married + studying veteran couples:

Getting engaged and then married is only the beginning step in a marathon of courage of continually being focused, faithful, and committed only to One person-love.

"Your prayers and the supply of His Holy Spirit" (Philippians 1:19) outside of me, and "looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith" (Hebrews 12:1-2) inside of me, is the oxygen and the energy that keeps me on track and pushing on.

It was the start, not the completion, in the building of Courage's house; when the cornerstone of covenant and devotion was laid down. In the processing of faith, I am to continue to invest, store up, and build on this treasure in Heaven. The call of faithful love was not fulfilled by a one-time choice on one's wedding day, but rather it is fulfilled by a lifetime of these daily choices, until death do us part: 
Everyday, I am to continually build on top of that Cornerstone (Christ) and not grow weary and quit building
Everyday, I am to say "Yes" to One [Elisabeth] and "No" to all others
Everyday, I am to say "Yes" to the Father and the example He laid out and "No" to the traitor within (my Flesh) that ever seeks to lay out multiple substitutes and deceiving, alternative ways
Everyday, I am to be dead unto my sin and selfishness and alive unto God & Love
Everyday, I am to confess God and what He says, to be true; and my own heart with all men's, as liars
Everyday, I am to acknowledge that God alone is wise and I am not to be in my own eyes

Much more can and ought to be said. Yet thank you veteran, married couples for displaying the hope and grace of God to us, young couples just entering the marathon you started long ago with your spouses. We see that to be married and to stay married is not something that comes naturally or is of instinct; it takes daily courage, it takes daily surrender, and it takes daily grace. Your lives are speaking to us high and clear, even if no words or fellowship has been exchanged. Thank you for being a conduit of God's strength; your devoted and united lives call back down the road and cheer those of us just starting, and already starting to have those moments of second-guessing ourselves.

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