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I have been told before that if I can't agree with certain doctrines of a church, I should go find another congregation that I can agree with so that I will be in true unity.

But how can that really be sound wisdom/God's will if we only interact with those who are likeminded with us? How will there be growth and benefit if we are all so smooth in agreement with one another's thinking, that there's no friction to develop sharpening one another? What will they know that we don't already know? It's a poor solution and I don't see it from Scripture as God's will.

Despite our doctrinal differences, it is better to remain in fellowship/relationship, have "friction" (not for the sake of division or creating arguments [which God considers an abomination] but for edification) and grow/sharpen one another. If we as Christians only hang out and fellowship with those who are likeminded with our doctrine, then it is only natural that the Church's growth will continue be stunted, rivalries and prejudice will continue,  and the World will continue ignoring our witnessing and testimony. God's command to His church that they "love one another" appears 13 times in the New Testament; as an essential reminder since we are/I am so prone to forget. If we continue in this idea that we should only interact and be joined to those we fully agree with, then never will we hear from the world's lips like what the ancient, early church heard when it was said about them, "See how they love one another!" As Biblical scholars have noted: At the Tower of Babel, the united and rebellious world was divided into many tongues; now, under Christ, God is drawing all peoples of all languages to Himself to make them One in His Spirit, as He and His Son Jesus Christ are One.

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