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"Behold, I lay in Zion a stumbling stone and rock of offense. And whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” ~Romans 9:33

The little that I have had eyes to see, of God's massive work toward me this past month, has been a trial and a testing.
Between the Creator and His creation (man), there can only be two beliefs:

A) Do we see God as a Rock of offense; Whose heart is to stumble us

or B) Do we see God as a Rock of refuge; Whose heart is to not put us to shame?

I have wrestled in my heart to not make excuses in justifying myself and laying blame on God. Do I see God as a Rock of offense or my merciful, Rock of refuge? Do I believe He is out to disappoint me and cause me offense, or will I believe (though its obscure and uncomfortable) that truly: He is a Rock that has guaranteed Himself (is true to His Word) that He will not put me to shame?

This is where the rubber meets the runway. Our Father in Heaven is sovereignly stretching me in my faith; causing me (through His grace, through Christ's strength) to exercise and wrestle with weights that are just beyond my comfortable (mental) ability. He is good and remains good, though my fleshly eyes question it in the moment.

We must believe, (and He will lovingly, mercifully help us to believe, when we ask Him in humble faith) that true to His promises:

He will provide
...and that...
His mercy endures forever.

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