We won't be young forever

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A young man who considers himself already 'good as old' (not for pride or arrogance sake or for the sake to supersede authority and transcend counsel,  but for truth that life is fleeting, that his clock is winding down), the young man who gives conscious consideration to the passing feeble space of his years, will be on the road to obtaining a sweet assurance and satisfaction in having lived a life fully lived. He is less likely to receive the shocking bite and taste the bitter dregs of a life that seemed to have passed in a shadow, in a blink; he will be able to claim (by humility and wisdom) that he lived each age each season, fully.
There can be no harm, only much good, for a young man who lives consciously knowing his youth and strength is not staying or remaining, nor will it be forever. If he forgets himself, how frail his frame and how fleeting his time here on earth is (ever hounded by the edge between the finality of death and His Creator's faithful mercy) he does himself a disservice. The choices, wealth, and time he posses will be used more amiss and he is more likely to be seized by the bitter wonder of where the years of the life God gave Him, have gone. As the richest and most pleasure-saturated man in history said: "Remember your Creator in the days of your youth." My fellow youth, do not let your visions and dreams rest in blind vanity; in this life, you are headed for entropy for corruption (it takes some of us sooner than others). If you can see yourself as an old man now and take witness that your elders were once young and strong like you, then such will be like guardrails and lights to guide and protect your way here in the present. Do yourself a service. Keep in mind the truth and reality of your future; don't lie or deceive yourself into the dream of immortal or Titan. See where you will end in the future, and you will walk safer and be better blessed in the present.

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