A Request made known (and covered) in Thanksgiving

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Set to John 11:41 & 12:28

(Both taken and inspired from the Sword of the Spirit: Romans 8:26-27, Ephesians 2:18 & 3:12, Colossians 1:20, Acts 17:26-28, Philippians 4:6, Isaiah 45:19, John 10:35, Psalm 145:13, 104:31, 1 Timothy 4:10, Isaiah 46:3-4, Psalm 136, 103:11 & 40:5, 1 John 3:20)


We thank You our Creator-Father for bringing various individuals to our mind, to intercede for in prayer. Thank You Holy Spirit for mercifully guiding and leading us into what and how we ought to pray. Thank You Jesus, our Friend Savior & Lord, for making a way and giving us access to approach and fellowship with You all.

We thank You God for these people You have brought to our attention to intercede in Thanksgiving, for You have called us to use Thanksgiving in "making our requests known to You".
Thank You God for these people, for determining their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings. We thank You that You have done this so that they should seek You...in the hope that they might grope for You...and find You. We thank You O Lord that You are not far from any one of them.

And we thank You that You have not spoken in secret, in a dark place of the earth; You did not say to Your redeemed people, ‘Seek Me in vain’. Thank You Father for speaking righteousness and that You declare things that are right.

We thank You God that we can trust in You...You who are Living! Alive! Resurrected! Immortal! You cannot be broken and Your kingdom and glory will never fade nor end! We thank You for being the Savior of all men and e-special-ly to those who believe in You by following You and doing Your will! We thank You that not only have You NOT doomed-destined us to grope and seek for You in vain nor given us breath only for us to live our lives apart from You, BUT ALSO we thank You that You have destined that in You alone are we able to live and move and have our being; we do not live apart from Your presence and sustaining grace. We thank You that You are no deistic God and Father; we do not live and move and have our being apart from You; You sustain, You uphold, and You carry us from our youth to our gray hairs. We thank You that what You have made, You have promised You will bear, You will carry, and You will deliver. O, according to Your lovingkindness which is everlasting and Your mercies which endure forever, open our immature and earthly eyes and all unbelieving eyes more and more to Your abundant goodness! Thank You Father that You are greater than our finite hearts and that You know all things! Praise and thanksgiving alone be to Your Name!

Praise the Lord!

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