His Resistance, Our Response

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-when man's faith & God's faithfulness is put to the test


Sometimes God says "no", allows (appoints) resistance and even faces us with 'fiery furnaces'.
Does He do this to throw us into confusion?
No, because He is not the author of confusion. (1 Corinthians 14:33, Proverbs 25:2)
Does He not wish to be known?
No, because He has willingly and lovingly revealed Himself to us. (Isaiah 45:19 & 65:1)
Is He then inconsistent to fulfill what He has promised (or haphazard when He does)?
No, because He does not change. (Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8)

Then what is His purpose in behaving in such a manner toward us?

He has placed the weights on you and you are now hard-pressed to exercise your faith. He has put you on stage for heaven and earth to see as you show...not how great you are but...how great He is as He mercifully demonstrates Himself in and through you. He has concealed the next line, the upcoming scene that He (to His glory) already knows yet for the rest of earth and heaven's inhabitants (to their glory) must seek out and discover. How will the character of His story respond? Will this earthen vessel choose to be emptied of all self-reliance that it may be filled with His beauty and strength; believing that He will come through in the end (whenever and however that end comes)?

Perhaps God has said "no" to see if we will believe (with humble faith) He can still say "yes".
Perhaps He has appointed the resistance to await for us to push through (with discerning hope).
And perhaps He has faced us with the "fiery furnace" to hear the response of our hearts (with enduring love); like Job (chapter 13:15) & Daniel's friends (chapter 3:16-18)

We must be still and know that He is God (Exodus 14:13, Psalm 46:10) that He is Sovereign over stars and over atoms, from the greatest to the smallest of matters. He gives us commands that by obedience we may discover the outcome. (Luke 5:1-7, John 5:1-9) He gives us trouble so that we may call on Him. (Psalm 50:15, Psalm 118:13-14) And He asks us questions so we can see Him as the Answer (Ezekiel 37:3, John 6:4-6)

His pain has purpose and His resistance holds redemption. Our emptiness will find His fullness and waiting (in faith, hope, and love) His fulfillment. Not only are we tried and tested (like steel) for our faith, but also God chooses to share in this trial by having His promises put to the same test and coming forth proving He is indeed, "Faithful & True". (Malachi 3:10, Joshua 23:14, Psalm 12:6-7, & Revelation 19:11)

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