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This is very bewildering to me: That God should call me & you to shine the light of His saving gospel before all men. (Matthew 5:16 & 2 Corinthians 4:6)

When I look at my imperfect self, I can't help but ask God: "Why me? ...Wouldn't I be doing You a favor if I simply 'got out of the way' so my humanity/imperfect-self does nothing to hinder, dim, or stumble Lost Mankind from knowing and embracing You? Am I not more of a burden to the expansion of Your kingdom, than a blessing?"

That God should choose imperfect men to shine His Perfect Word (Psalm 18:30) through, is bewildering to me.
Yet, it is clear that through all time till now, and to the end, it is His will, in His transcendent interests & flawless understanding, to "use the foolish and weak things of the world to confound the wise." (1 Corinthians 1:26-28)

I would let myself be used of God only after I felt comfortable with my track record and confidently qualified to then be of useful service to Him.
Yet herein lies the problem: God alone is wise; I am not. (Romans 16:27, 1 Timothy 1:17, & Jude 1:25)
So even though I remain perplexed that He calls me to present myself as an instrument of (His) righteousness to Him, I cannot let the perplexity be the rule of (limited/mortal) understanding that I lean on. Even if (in complete arrogance) one were to presume that his Lord is foolish and he is wise to bury the Divinely entrusted talents, lest he should abuse them—rather than stirring up the gift that God gave him through the anointing hands of His people (1 Timothy 4:14 & 2 Timothy 1:6) —even so, his Lord's foolishness is wiser than his wisdom, and his Lord's weakness is stronger than his strength (1 Corinthians 1:25)

So I will revel in His peace & glorify Him for His ways & thoughts which are far higher than mine. He knows what He is doing and that is enough. This adopted child does not fully grasp (as Jesus did) all that the Father is doing. Yet it is to this adopted child's glory to still seek and understand what the will of the Father is and to only do what he sees the Father doing.

We praise You Father for glorifying Yourself & working Yourself through Your people. May we, each day, abide on Your vine, become more and more blameless and harmless, imitating Jesus...that we may shine as Your lights in this world.

In every area of our lives & every day in 2024:
Hallowed be Your name...on earth
Your kingdom come...on earth
Your will be done...on earth
As it is in Heaven

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