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The thought has come across to many men to accuse God of being egotistical, a narcissist; of one who is caught up in himself and his own glory. And they mock us and see us as ridiculous and foolish for being caught up in the worship of such a Being and for bidding the rest of the world to follow.

Yet first, we know that "the foolishness of God is wiser than men." [1 Cor. 1:25] Isn't it more foolish for these men to be caught up in the worship (adoration) of a singer, a model, a celebrity, a speaker, a powerful leader...who will be forgotten shortly after he/she dies? Only One who has endured the ages and will forever endure, is clearly worthy of whole-hearted, lifetime worship.

But these men might argue: "The person(s) we adore doesn't coerce us to into worshipping them." The One you worship says if we do not worship Him, we will be cast into hell."

So second, we know that Jesus is "The way, the truth, and the life and no one comes to the Father except through Him." [John 14:6] Would such men see their own doctor-physician as being coercive and threatening...for telling them they will only (naturally/logically) receive death if they don't choose and pursue life? The cause of not choosing Life, consequently brings the effect of Death.

Yet these men will continue to insist: "Our Maker is egotistic and He does not love but threaten."

So lastly, it is US, you & me, the people of God, who must realize and remember that logic nor its arguments is what will ultimately convince and convict fallen, veiled hearts. It is only the Spirit of God that will reveal the things of God [1 Corinthians 2:1-12 & 2 Corinthians 4:1-7] So as we appeal to the consciences of men and to the eternity written on their hearts [Ecclesiastes 3:11] let us do so, not in our own power or strength, but in the power (in the full armor) of God.

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