Ch. 1: Beacon

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I pull up to the apartment building, darkness surrounding me as I hop out of the driver's seat. I haven't been in this town in more than half a decade. I left as soon as I hit eighteen, leaving my family behind.

I feel guilty for it, I do, but at the time I had to leave. If I didn't, I know I would have been swallowed up by my terminal, forced to live a life of numbness and hurt instead of who I am now.

I pull out my phone, calling my mothers number. It rings as I make my way to the door of the building. I pull out the keys I got when I paid for the apartment, heading for the elevator as I listen to the rings.


"Mom?" I ask as I push the button to my floor. "Hey! It's me!"

"Ana?" I can hear the happiness in her voice as she says my name. "Wh- how have you been? I haven't heard from you since your twenty-first birthday..."

"Yeah...I've been busy.."

"With what?"

"Well...I got my teaching degree...and I was traveling a lot..."

"You're a teacher?!"


"Oh! Baby! I'm so proud! When can I see you? I want to throw you a party or something!"

"No parties." I say with a smile. "And soon."

The doors open to my floor, revealing a redheaded nurse who seems to be in a hurry. I smile at her before stepping out. I walk down the hall, heading for the right door.

"How soon?"

"Really soon..."

"How soon is really soon? I miss my daughter."

"Tomorrow. I need help moving into my new apartment."



"I can't wait! I have to go, okay? My break is about up and I need to do my rounds..."

"Yeah! Go save lives! Love you!"

"Love you too!"

I unlock the door and step in. The lights are already on, my request to the lovely older woman, Pearl, who helped me before. She lives on the bottom floor with her cat, Felix.

I see all of my furniture in place, including my new couch and tv. This apartment has three bedrooms and one bath. The biggest room is going to be my bedroom while the other two will be the guest room and my office. I check each room, seeing the empty shelves and desk in one room and the bare mattresses in the others.

Tomorrow is a new day.


"Hi! I'm Anastasia McCall and I applied for a job here... I'm supposed to start next week."

I say to the office attendant as I walk in. She has curly, brunette hair and brown eyes, skin a dark golden color. She looks about twenty-five with curves everywhere.

"Yes! This way" the lady behind the desk gets up and grabs a set of keys. "This is your key, this one is for the outside doors, and this one is for your desk."

She hands me the keys after explaining each one. We walk the familiar halls as she explains each room and who's class is who's.

"My name is Nina by the way. I run the office most days..."

"It's nice to meet you."

"This is your room..." she unlocks the door and opens it.

"Thank you..."

"No problem!"


Hours later, I'm walking up to my old home, anxiety dripping from my vains. I walk up to the door, knocking softly as I take a deep breath. I wait as I think of how much has changed.

What does Scott look like? What has he been doing? Is he into sports like their dad? Or maybe science and health like their mom?

The door flies open, revealing a teenage version of my little brother. He stares at me for a moment, mouth agape.

"Hey! Scott! H-how are you?"

"Ana?" He stands there, just staring as I wait to be let in.

"Can I come in?"


"Lacrosse, huh?"

"Yeah... I'm trying out for first line"

"Wow! Well if you make it, I'll come to your games!"

We're sat in the kitchen, him telling me about everything that I missed.

"Where have you been?" His voice changes as he looks down.

"I- uh- I was traveling for a bit... mainly in South America. I stayed in Mexico for a bit, teaching, and fell in love with it. Then, a few days after your fourteenth birthday, I got a letter in the mail with a picture of you and mom. I knew I needed to come home. So I got my degree, packed up, and and here I am. Two years later."

I meet his eyes and see hurt shining through.

"Why'd you leave in the first place?"

"I had too.." I take a sip of my coffee, letting the hot liquid run down my throat. "If I didn't..."

I look up and see him not looking at me, his eyes on the table. I take a breath, preparing for what I am going to say.

"Scott. There's a lot you don't know about me, okay? I found out a few things that put a big dent in my view on had nothing to do with you or mom. If anything, you both are the only things that I regretted leaving behind..."

"Okay..." he says as he looks back up at me. "Where are you staying? Are you you moving back in?"

"No. I actually have an apartment... would you help me move in? I have boxes coming in soon..."

"Yeah!" He smiles as he meets my eyes "I can ask stiles to help.."

"Stiles? How is he?"

I remember that little brat running around the house with Scott when they were kids, stealing my diary and trashing my room. He was the brother I never asked for.

"Okay, I guess.."

"The last I saw of him, he was..." I cut myself off as I remember the sad, grief filled boy that just lost his mom. "How's Noah?"

"He's good... he's the sheriff now..."

"Wow! Good for him!"


Just then, the door opens and our mom walks in. She doesn't notice me at first as she sets down a bag of takeout. She brushes her curls out of her face as she releases a breath.

"Scott?" She calls, still not seeing us.


Her head snaps towards us, her tired eyes widening when they fall on me.


She rushes to me, pulling me into a bone crushing hug. It's the type of hug that only a mother can provide. She doesn't seem to want to let go as she holds onto me, afraid that I might disappear.

"Hey mom..."




How was it?

Drink water!

-the Author

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