Ch. 89: Bear Trap

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After the court hearing, we all went out for lunch at our favorite restaurant. My mom knows that I need to go help Scott with the coyote problem and decides to take them to her house for a celebratory movie night.

I head to the animal clinic where everything is, including Scott and the pack. When I pull up and hop out, I see a familiar figure standing by the entrance. I lock my car as I walk up, looking at him in question.

"What are you doing here, Tyee?"

"I came to check on are my sister after all."

"I haven't seen or heard from you in over six years...I honestly thought you were dead. What have you been up to these last years?"

"The same as you...traveling our land...learning from the people...even taking in a few strays..."

I roll my eyes as I walk into the animal clinic, Tyee following me as I walk through the doors. I hear people in the back, alerting us of where they are. I continue forward, walking through the door way to see Scott and Stiles preparing with Lydia.

"Where's the other two?"

I ask, alerting them of my presence. They all turn, looking at the figure behind me in surprise. Tyee ignores them as he walks around the room, taking in every little thing as he holds his hands behind his back.


"Issac and Alison? Where are they?"

"We're meeting them in the preserve..." Lydia answers as she watches my long lost older brother walk around the room. "Who is that?"

"Ana's long lost older brother from her birth mom's side..."

Stiles says as he stares at a map on the table. Lydia looks at him in surprise before looking at me and Scott, then back at Tyee. Scott is looking at Tyee as he grips the table in front of him.

"What's he doing here?"

Scott asks as I shrug, grabbing the tranquilizers off the table and grabbing everything to fill the darts up. Lydia watches me, intrigue dripping off her like an ice cream cone on a hot summer day. I ignore everyone as I focus on my task alone.

"To provide insight."

Everyone turns to Tyee, who is looking at a wall of medication. He slowly turns, looking at Scott as he walks forward. Scott stands up straighter as his jaw tightens.

"About what?"

"That is up to you...."

He turns, looking back at the medication as he gently reaches out, grabbing a bottle to read it closer. I look at him as I straighten up, setting everything down before crossing my arms.

"What's with the riddles, Tyee?"

"Atina, one does not simply answer a question which they have not been asked..."


Stiles looks at him in question as I roll my eyes. Tyee turns and looks at Stiles, smiling as he speaks.


"My birth name was Atina Altaha. It was changed when I was given to dad for protection."

Stiles looks at me then back at Tyee, a calculated look on his face. I go back to what I was doing, wanting to get this done as fast as I can. I want to go home to my kids.

"Let's get this done. I just became a mom and I would like to spend the first night of it with my kids..."

They all nod as we devise a plan to help Malia.


I pull up to the preserve, hoping out of my car as I join the group of teens standing in a circle. I strap my rifle to my chest as I walk up to them, blowing a bubble with my gum. They seem to be talking as they notice me approaching.

"Did you bring it?"

I smile at my brother as I point to my back, where it is. I don't know why he's asking. We literally just left the same place where he watched me prep it. As I step closer, I hear a gunshot go off in the distance. Scott and Issac both jump as they turn, facing the origin of the sound.

He hops on his bike, taking off as stiles and Isaac chase after him, the former yelling at him to wait. I chase after them both, running faster than Isaac as I move under the beautiful trees.

Scott drives faster as I struggle to keep up. I slow as I see something on the ground, drawing my attention as I slow down. Issac runs past me as I hear Alison running up.

"Issac! Wait!"

"Hold on!"

We both yell right before we see him step on a bear trap. He falls as he screams out in pain, causing me to rush over. I see someone up ahead, aiming a gun in the opposite direction. I grab my gun, aiming it before firing.

He falls to the ground as I swing around to help Issac. Alison stands with shaking hands as I hold out my gun. She takes it as I bend down, grabbing the barbed claws of the trap and prying it open. I growl as Issac yells again, grunting in pain as the grip on his ankle gives way.

He yanks his ankle back, grabbing it as he grimaces. I let the trap close before rushing to him to see if he's okay. I rip a strip from my shirt to wrap around his wound until it heals before helping him up. I throw his arm over my shoulder as Alison does the same with his other.

As we go to leave, a loud growl fills the air. One that I know can only come from an alpha. Issac pushes off of us, groaning as he heads towards the origin of the sound. Alison and I follow suit as I take the gun back from Alison.

I rush ahead of the two teens, moving as fast as I can as rush towards my brother. I round a tree, seeing my brother in wolf form staring at a young girl who is looking at her hands. Her hair is a mess as she lays in a bed of dead leaves, completely bare. I take off my trench coat, walking forward to offer it as a covering.

She looks up, backing away as she look at me. I stop, holding up my hands to show her I mean no harm. A small smile is on my face as I slowly step forward.

"It's okay...I'm just giving this to you to cover up with..."

I drop it on the ground next to her, watching as she reaches out and grabs it. She wraps up in it, looking at me in question. I offer her a smile as Scott steps up, his phone in his hands. I can hear stiles talking on the other end as he tells Lydia what happened.

" names Anastasia McCall...but you can call me Ana..."

I smile as she gulps, pulling a leaf out of her hair.



I FINALLY have gotten through this chapter.....

I was having writers block like no other 😒

Have an amazing day, my loves!

Drink water!!!!!!

-the Author

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