Ch. 19: Date Night

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I'm waiting for Angel after school, outside his school. I'm standing under a tree, my coat on tight so I don't freeze. I see a few other parents waiting as well, all talking among themselves as if they've known each other for a lifetime. For all I know, they do.

"Hey!" I feel a hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump a little. "Sorry! Didn't mean to scare you..."

I turn and see Jasper smiling at me. I smile, as I turn more towards him.


"I'm glad to see you...I thought I was going to be swallowed up by 'the Real housewives of Beacon Hills' over there."

He gestures behind us to a group of moms giving us looks and whispering to themselves. They all give me the stink eye as I smile and wave, not giving a shit at all.

"The day after Jill and I split, they surrounded me as if I was a private display. It was very uncomfortable."

I laugh as I imagine his pain. It's funny from an outside perspective.

"I can tell they don't like me... I must be taking up the star of the show's precious time..."

"I believe you are correct..."

We both laugh as we look back at them, getting dirty looks from all six of them.

Oh well....

The laughter dies down as he becomes anxious. I look back at him to see him fiddling with his coat sleeve and gloves. I give him a confused look as I look back at his face.

"I-I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner with me, tonight?"

I smile as I look at him in amusement.

"Didn't I already say yes to a date with you?" I giggle as he stiffens. "I don't think I've changed my mind in the last few days...."

"Is that a yes?" He gulps he waits for my answer.

"Yes it's a yes." I laugh again.

"'s a yes." He relaxes a bit as he smiles at me. "We could meet at the we can take one of our cars?"

"'s a bit strange if a meeting place, I must say."

"Well...I'll actually be just getting off when we meet, so it's more so of you picking me up for our date..." he smiles.

"Oh! A spin on the classic 'guy picks up girl', huh?"

"Or it's just you picking me up..." he smirks as he looks at me. "For a date..."

"Right." I smirk before I hear the doors open, seeing Angel as one of the first to come out. "Oh! Gotta go! What time?"

"How about a late dinner? Say 9:00?"

"That is a late dinner...." I give him a look.

"Well...I get off then..." he rubs his neck, his ears bright red.

"Well..." I think about it for a moment, weighing my options. I have Angel to think about now, not just myself, and even though I haven't had a date in....a long time, I still need to put him first now. "I don't know..."

"Look...I'll give you my number, you can let me know, get a babysitter or something...or nothing and just break my heart in the process."

He smirks at the end, letting me know that he was joking a little. I smile and nod, looking at Angel as he walks to me slowly.

"I'll give you a call...bye..." I wave before walking t my car with Angel ahead of me.


"Are you sure about this? I can stay home with him or go with you both..."

I'm talking to my mom as she gets everything ready. She agreed to take Angel to the game with her, taking away any excuses I had.

"When was the last time you had a date?" She stops putting snacks in a bag, looking me in the eyes. "That's what I're young. Act like it and go on this doesn't get easier with age. Believe me..."

She mumbles at the end as she goes back to putting a few granola bars in a pocket before grabbing some juice boxes.

"And don't worry about Angel. He'll have fun and sleep here!" She smiles at me as she sips up the bag, satisfied.

"Okay...just make sure you check on him in the night, he has nightmares often. And make sure he's not awake long, he gets cranky if he doesn't get his sleep out...and he likes to watch SpongeBob or scooby-doo in the mornings. He also needs-"

"Okay. That's it, Mama. Go get ready for your date and leave me to it." She shoo's me out the door, an amused look in her eyes as she goes to greet Angel. "Hey! You ready for this game?"



He giggles as he goes to leave, looking at her with big, brown eyes. I smile as I go to walk to my car. Before I could, I feel small arms wrap around my torso. I smile as I hug him back, patting his back as I tell him bye and 'have fun'.

I head home to get ready for my date.


I'm walking up to the hospital doors, heading for long-term care section as that's where he said he was working tonight. I have a black trench coat on over my dress, my hair curled and my makeup done right. I feel and look beautiful.

As I get close to the door, I hear rushed foot steps coming my way.

"'stasia! What're you doing here?"

I turn and give Derek a surprised look as he stops in front of me. I look around, not seeing anyone else around us.

"What am I doing here? What're you doing here?!"

I look back at him, seeing a concerned look on his face.

"You need to leave..." his voice is rushed as he look to the door.

"Leave?" I give him a confused look, looking to the door as well. "Why?"

"You just do." He goes to go in, standing between me and the door as he pushes me back a bit.

Just then, I hear my name come from a few feet away. I turn and a Jasper walking to me with a smile on his face. He's coming from a different entrance, his bag in his hands and his coat on tight.

"Sorry! I told you the wrong entrance..." he makes eye contact with Derek, his back stiff as he smiles at me. "you ready to go?"

"Yeah! Let's go!" I glance at Derek, seeing him glare at Jasper.

Jasper steps forward, smiling as he directs me in the direction of his car.

"I hope you don't mind Thai...a co-worker suggested a place not far..."

"I love Thai..." I smile before glancing behind me again, watching Derek rush inside as I walk away.



I hope everyone enjoyed!!!!

Drink water!!!!!!!!!!?!!?????!!!!!

-the Author

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