Ch. 79: Julia....

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"What do you mean?!"

"My birth mom's name was Alayna Altaha...she was an alpha in South America who met dad when he was on a work related assignment...she died when I was two."

"A-and you've known..."

"Since I was about fifteen...I developed abilities not long after my fourteenth birthday and had my suspicions...but it was clarified until Talia and Eli Hale told me. After that...I was trained by the two as well as Deaton..."

"Trained for what? What are you?"

I look at stiles, deciding to show my eyes. He stares in astonishment as he sees my green eyes shining brighter than an alpha's.

"She's a cougar...puma...mountain lion....they're quite rare actually...only one every two hundred years...and only from the Altaha bloodline..."

I glare at Jennifer, telling her to shut up with my eyes.

"Like I said...we don't have time for this...Scott's already coming with me so we need to figure out the rest and quick."


We found a drug that will help Peter fight before we make a game plan. Derek and I will be on darak duty while stiles focuses on Cora. Peter and Scott will be a distraction while the rest of us move.

We get to the ambulance, opening it up and getting Cora inside as I assess the situation. I see a body on the ground, causing me to walk over and crouch down. I see slash marks on the neck, definitely from claws. The blood is still warm and flowing out of the body, alerting me of how recent this happened.

"We need to move."

"What? Why?"

I hear stiles ask as Derek walks over, seeing the body. I stand, moving back as Jennifer looks at the body. She gulps as she catches sight of the wounds. I sense and alpha not far as someone moves closer. I draw my katanas, preparing for anything as the others look at me confused.


The alpha who killed Boyd walks around the corner, twirling the keys as she moves closer. Jennifer's breathing picks up as she makes eye contact with her.

"It is you..."

I hear the doors shut as I crouch down, blades ready. Derek goes to attack when Jennifer stops him.

"You can't beat her...but she can."

I feel his eyes on me as I keep mine on the threat in front of us. Without looking up, I speak.


He hesitates but nods, running as Jennifer does the same. The woman smirks, amused by my actions. She steps forward slowly, taking one step at a time as she speaks. I keep my eyes on her, not moving them from her form.

" we...have here? A wanna be ninja playing dress up? Do those blades even cut?"

"Step'll find out..."

"Oooooo! Feisty! I like..."

She smirks before swiping with her left clawed hand. I roll out of the way, swinging my right katana around as she moves towards me. She goes to kick me, coming really close with those crusty toe claws. I avoid the attack as I swipe at the abdomen.

She growls as I barely knick her with my blade, right on the ribs. We start the dance as we both strike and evade at the same time, seemingly avoiding the attacks as we move. She knocks one of my katanas under the ambulance as she hits my chest and hand, using both hands in one move.

I stager back as she goes to kick my chest, swiping wide with her leg as I bend backwards. I watch the limb swing by as she lands, immediately doing the same with other. I grab this one mid air, snapping the bone as she howls out. She lands on the ground as I roll under the ambulance, grabbing my blade before coming out the other side.

I hear her jump onto the vehicle as I turn, catching her jumping off. I hold my blades right so she lands on them, getting stabbed in the stomach and side. I pull them out, letting her hit the ground as I turn. I rush off, hoping she follows me instead of sticking with two in the ambulance.


The lights shut off as I rush up the stair well, heading for the roof. I'm thrown into complete and utter darkness. I use my night vision, seeing a tinge of green surrounding the railing and stairs.

I rush to the roof, immediately getting soaked from the pouring rain as I look around. I walk over, going to turn on the power when I feel my phone buzz. I look up at the rain, cursing before moving back to the stairwell. I pull out my phone, seeing a text from Scott to wait on turning the power back on.

S: don't turn the power on! Derek and Jennifer are in the elevator and if you turn it on they will hear it....we have a plan just wait until you hear the shots.

I exhale, putting my phone away as go back out onto the roof. The rain has stopped as I look around. I take off my hood and mask, letting myself breath as I observe the night sky. Minutes pass before I hear shots coming from the front of the hospital.

I walk over, switching on the generator before walking to the edge of the building. I flip off, landing in a crouch before turning. Seeing two surprised Argents standing there.

"Ms. McCall?"

I feel for my mask, realizing I didn't put it back on. Shit.

"Alison. Mr. Argent."

I nod at both of them as they stare at me before I see the female alpha rushing at us. I pull out my gun, firing bullet after bullet into her. The Argents do the same as she takes cover. I hear a car coming our way as I watch the female alpha rush off into the night.

I hear Scott yelling on the roof, yelling for mom. I look up worry on my face as I think the worst.



I'm honestly excited!!!!

Drink water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-the Author

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