Ch. 38: Tucker

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It's currently Saturday and I'm on my way to a lunch date with Nina. She invited me so I could meet some of her friends and maybe make a few myself. I decided on a business casual look, a yellow blazer with a plain white shirt, blue jeans, and nude heels.

I'm nervous and excited for this. When I was in high school, I was considered that popular girl who was only popular because of the amount of friends I had. I wasn't on the cheering squad and I didn't go all out for Prom, but I was the life of the party back then. I kinda miss it.

As I pass by a mechanic's shop, I hear a familiar voice singing along to a sublime song. I poke my head into the open garage door, looking around at all the equipment and cars. I finally see who I was looking for, smirking as I see him dancing.

I watch him for a moment, a smirk on my face as he sings and dances as he works. After the song ends, I start to clap. He jumps and turns around, surprised.

"Anastasia McCall?" He smirks as he walks over, grabbing a rag to wipe his hands. "Is that you?"

"In the flesh!" I smile big as he steps closer. "How've you been, Tucker?"

He was Derek's other friend in high school, just a year older than us. He used to be on the swim team, basketball team, and played lacrosse. A well rounded athlete who was expected to go pro, until he tore his rotator cuff in a bad tackle.

"Alright. You?" He smiles at me, but I can tell that it doesn't reach his eyes.

"I'm doing okay. I'm a teacher who is a single mom to two wonderful foster kids and no friends because of my hectic schedule. Life's great."

He laughs as he looks down, shaking his head before looking back up to me.

"You haven't changed at all, still the same old Ana..."

"Please." I scoff, smirking as I shake my head. "Why would I?"

"I completely agree." He smirks at me, leaning towards me.

"Tucker...are you...flirting with me?" I ask, smirking back at him.


I would never go there with him. He dated quite a few of my friends, and friends of friends, back in high school. He was a classic player and didn't care. I would not put myself through that. Even with those muscles....

Snap out of it, Anastasia. I know it's been awhile....

"Well...sorry but I don't have the time...test season's coming up."

"Don't Miss that." He scrunches up his face as he remembers back.

"Me neither." I laugh before seeing the clock on the wall, 1:05. "Shit! I'm late! Gotta go!"

"It was great seeing you, Ana. Don't be scared to stop by again..."

"Bye Tucker." I laugh as I walk away.


I fix my blazer, throwing on a smile before I open the door. I see Nina sitting in the back, two heads sitting across from her.

I can see two empty chairs, one next to Nina and another on the end, as I walk towards the table. When she looks up, she smiles before saying something to the two sitting across from her.

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