Ch. 90: Happy Birthday Bobby!

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I wake before dawn, wanting to make a beautiful cake for Bobby for his birthday...well cupcakes, but still.

Nia and Angel wake as I'm preparing to decorate them in the cyclone colors. I also have edible letters that I'm going to spell out 'Happy Birthday Bobby!'. The cupcake wrappers also have little cyclones on them with a maroon background.

"Oooo! Can we help?"

Nia smiles as she rushes over, and look at the cupcakes while licking her lips. I laugh as I watch her stare at the chocolate cupcakes with starry eyes sparkling bright. Angel rubs his as he walks over, yawning.

"Hmmmm...." I look at the clock, seeing that we have an hour to be ready and out the door. "If you think you can be ready by seven."

She shakes her head as she rushes over to the sink, washing her hands at record speed. Angel does the same as he yawns again, going at a lot slower pace. I plate two cupcakes before preparing two smaller frosting piping utensils. Nia rushes over, grabbing the stool and hopping up on it with a large smile.

"Come on, Angel!"

Angel grumbles as he gets the other stool, crawling on it and grabbing the frosting. He starts piping it like a pro as I show Nia how to do it properly. By the time we get through all of the cupcakes, the sun begins to raise as I usher the kids to get ready.

I grab my cupcake container as I gently set all of them in it before washing my hands and heading to get ready myself. We manage to make it out the door with ten minutes to spare as we walk towards the elevator. Ms. Pearl is stood with four lunches in her hands as she smiles and waves us off.

"The fourth is for that nice couch you told me about...the one who always eats with you anyways..."

"Okay! Thank you!"

I kiss her cheek as the kids hug her. We grab the lunches as we rush out to the car, heading towards the schools.


I walk into the school, barely dodging a toilet paper roll to the face as I walk in. I glare as look up at the culprit, seeing a scared Greenberg next to an even more frightened freshman. They both hide two more rolls behind their backs as I narrow my eyes.

I see more students with more rolls down the hall and countless scraps on the floor. I hold the cupcake container and my bags in one hand as I dig into my purse with the other, pulling out a whistle I got and still haven't used. I put it up to my lips, blowing it until everyone in the hall turned to look at me. I though on a smile as I speak.

"I understand that it is mischief night...and coach's birthday...but I want everything picked up and thrown away or I will give the coach a personal gift of every single one of you doing fifty laps around the field!"

"You can't do that!"

I look at the random student, putting on my best condescending smile as I look her in the eyes. I step forward as she steps back, looking at me in surprise.

"Do you want to try me?"

She shakes her head as I step back, looking around as I drop my smile. Everyone looks at me in fear as I swing the whistle around.

"Clean this up or run, your choice."

I walk through the hall, smiling as the crowd parts as I make my way to my classroom.


I walk up to the coach's office, going to knock on the door when I see that it's open. I look in, seeing Bobby checking everything out. I immediately know what he's doing and decide not to touch anything.

"Hey! Bobby!"

He jumps, looking up at me in surprise as I smile at him. I hold up the container of cupcakes, drumming my fingers on it as I look at him. He has a suspicious looking his face as I step in the room.

"Happy birthday!"

I hold out the container, my smile staying in tacked. He narrows his eyes as I cock my head to the side, still maintaining a smile. He gently pokes the container, his eyes still narrowed into slits.

"What did you do to it?"

"Uh...made cupcakes?"

I give him a confused look as I finally drop my smile, lowering the container to his desk gently. I don't want to be the incident bystander to a prank.

Even might just be karma...

I open it up, letting him look at it as he stares in apprehension. I roll my eyes as I slowly grab one, raising it to my mouth to take a bite. He watches me before grabbing one himself. I smile before closing the container and setting it away from everything.

I know there's a prank somewhere in here and I don't want my cupcakes going to waste....

"These are good! Tell Ms. Pearl thanks!"

"I made them..."

I give him a look before finishing my cupcake. He looks at me in surprise as he finishes his own. He goes to get another as I shake my head, pointing to the gift on the desk.

"You should open that looks important!"

He walks over, bending over it as he stares it down. He opens the lid, preparing for a blast only to find screws. I back out of the room, grabbing the container of cupcakes as I step into the hall.

They're good...

I hear Bobby laughing digging into the box before grabbing the box. I see a string and immediately prepare for impact. Crashes and clanks are heard as everything falls apart, causing the coach to hit his desk before plopping down in his chair. I wince as he falls, hitting the ground hard as he yells.

"Son of a bitch!?"

I get out another cupcake, holding it out as he gets up from the ground. He keeps cursing as he kicks something across the room. I throw on a small smile as he looks at me.

"Want the cupcake now?"

He grumbles as he takes it, taking a huge bite as he marches towards the door to his classroom.




Drink water!!!!!!!

-the Author

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