Ch. 10: Family project

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"Thank you, again Ms. Pearl! I appreciate it!"

I'm picking up Angel after the conference that ended with a cougar getting shot. It's far past ten and I can tell that both of them are tired.

"No worries, deary! We had fun! If you ever need someone to watch him again, don't be afraid to ask."

"I will, thank you.."

"Oh! The cookies! We made chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies! He wanted to take the leftovers and share them with you!"

I take the bowl of cookies, a small smile on my face.

"Thank you..."

"No problem! Good night, deary's!"



It's the next day, I'm standing in a department store picking out clothes for an eight year old boy. He stands beside me, looking around at all the clothes.

"I like red..."

"That helps...thank you..."

I used to be Angels teacher when I was in Mexico. He was about six and a born shifter. His family was a big pack located in the mountains not far from Todos Santos, his home town. His pack was well know and very respected, up until the hunters got them.

I stayed with them for a few months, teaching them English so they could set up alliances easier. Angel became found of me, wanting to spend every day helping me with anything.

Now, he needs me more than I have ever needed him. I'm not sure what I'm doing...but I know one thing. I was going to take care of this kid.

"Do you like Superman?"



I grab a Superman shirt, putting it in the basket. I see a Batman one right by it.

"What about Batman?"


"Okay...and Spider-Man?"


"Good to hear..."

We move on to shoes, finding sneakers and boots in his size.

"Should we get you sandales too? It's cold out but you might need them in the summer..."

"If you want.."

I look at him, seeing him looking at a toy fire truck that was misplaced. I smile as I see him playing with the wheels on it.

"Do you want it?"

"Huh?" He looks at me as I send him a smile.

"Do you want the fire truck?"

He looks back at it, a smile on his face. He nods his head as he plays with it more.

"Well...then it's a good thing that I was looking for one of would look great in your new room..."

"Really?" He looks at me, hope and happiness shining in his eyes.

"Oh yeah!" I smile as I watch him grab it, putting it in the cart. "Let's go!"


"Okay. Class." I wait for everyone to get to their seats, Alison and Erika being the last two in the door. "I have decided to do a little project...."

Groans fill the air as I smirk, grabbing the stack of papers off my desk. I divide them up and give them to each person in the front row to pass back.

"Take one and pass it pack. It's a project that will be about twenty percent of this semester's grade, so if I was you, I'd do it right! And, to be frank, some of you need to."

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