Ch. 91: Daze

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I'm sitting in my classroom, grading papers as students read to themselves. I hear a buzzing coming from my desk, causing me to look over in confusion. I look up, seeing a couple students looking but most still looks at the pages in front of them.

I choose to ignore it as I check a question wrong on the paper in my hands. Three more buzzes go off before I sigh, opening my drawer to check my phone. I go to turn it off when I get another text, this one from an unknown number.

I open up my messages, seeing a message from Noah, two from my mom, and three from the number. All of them say about the same thing: bomber escaped and is thought to be in the school. Stay safe.

I look up at my students as I gulp, feeling bile in my throat. I read the last message, seeing that it's from my father. I lock my phone, putting it up before slamming the drawer closed. I raise from my chair, looking up at my students just as the bell rings to dismiss them.

I watch as they all gather up their things before walking out the door, heading to lunch. I walk towards the teachers lounge in a daze as I feel nausea coming on. I rush past a teacher into the bathroom, hunching over the toilet as I heave up everything in my system.

I sit on the floor for awhile, letting everything sink in as I stare at nothing. Finally, I stand and walk towards the sink. I rinse out my mouth and wash my hands before wiping my face with towel, dabbing at my lips before heading towards the door.

As I step out into the hallway, the fire alarm goes off. I rush out the door, heading for my classroom. I grab my emergency bag and my lunch before walking out the door. I rush towards the exit, heading for my car to leave.


I get the kids home, wanting to get them safe and away from harms way. I make dinner about two hours after being home, the kids helping me as I go through the motions. I try to throw on a smile for them, but even I don't believe it.

"Mama! Look!"

I look up from the dishes that I am washing, seeing Nia holding up a drawing of stick figures. I smile as I wipe my hands and step closer. Angel is in the living room, playing the PlayStation as Nia sits at the kitchen table.

"Wow! Who is that?"

I point to the stick figure in red.

"Angel! That one's me...And this one is you! That one is Nana Pearl...that one Nana Mel...this one is papa Noah! And that one is uncle Scott...and that one is uncle stiles!"

She smiles up at me as look at the drawing in her hands. Every stick figure is a different color, light blue, dark blue, green, yellow, pink, purple, orange, and red. Ms. Pearl is yellow, Noah orange, my mom purple, Nia pink, green for myself, and both of the boys have the blues.

My smile drops as my eyebrows narrow, confusion clear on my face as I study the drawing closer. I see another figure directly behind Stiles light blue one, a black outline with a smiling face. I point to it as I look up at Nia, my confused face still strong.

"Who's that?"

Her face falls as she looks at the drawing, fear shining through as she looks at the black crayon drawing.

"It's the bad man..."

I reach over, gently grabbing her shoulder as she stars at the drawing longer.

"What do you mean? Who's the bad man?"

"He's not nice..."

I look at her, watching her with worry as I gently lay the drawing down. As I go to speak again, a blood curdling scream sounds through the air. My head snaps up as Angel looks up from the scream, taking off the headphones he had on his ears.



I tuck the kids into bed, kissing both their heads before walking out of the room. I gently shut the door before heading to my room. Tomorrow is Halloween, meaning trick or treating. The kids don't know it, but I actually have surprise costumes in my room.

One of a gorgeous princess gown that I know Nia will love, while Angel gets to where a Spider-Man costume. They're both better than the cheap costumes you would get at Walmart or target, meaning they can keep them as dress up clothes for playing after tomorrow night.

I also got all the accessories for both costumes to make them more exciting for the kids. I can't wait to see their faces!

I smile at the costumes hanging up before grabbing everything for a shower. I hum a tune as I walk into the bathroom, quietly shutting the door as I prepare for my shower.

As the water cascades down my back, I hum the same tune from earlier as my eyes stay closed. I run my hands over my skin as I take in the warmth and let my stress go. As my hands run over my stomach I stop, holding them there. I open my eyes, slowly looking down at my belly.

I stare at it for what seems like hours as the water runs down my back and down the drain. A small, unnoticeable bump is forming on my lower torso, right where my belly button is. I gulp a few thousand times as I finally jump out of my daze, shutting off the water before hopping out.

I rush to get ready, my wet hair into my hair towel before putting on my robe. I rush out the door, heading for my bedroom. I throw everything around as I look for my phone, that is seemingly lost. I dump my purse, finding tampons and miscellaneous items but no phone.

I stare at the tampons for a moment before gulping and rushing towards my other bag, giving it the same treatment. I finally find it, rushing to the one contact that comes to mind. It rings a few times before they finally answer.

"M-mom? I-I need a favor..."




Drink water!!!!!!!!!!&!!!!!!!

-the Author

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