Ch. 27: Jennifer

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It's early morning, I'm in my kitchen drinking coffee and eating toast as I read the paper. The cover shows a picture of Kate with the headline that I never thought I would see. I don't know how to feel about her death. She was someone I hated, someone I despised, but all I feel is numb.

As I read over it, my door flies open, revealing a distraught Ms. Pearl.

"Ms. Pearl?"


She can barely get it out as she huffs, out of breath. I stand and move in front of her, taking her arm gently and guiding her to the couch.

"What is it, Ms. Pearl?"

"T-they found Jennifer..."


"Nia's mother....she's dead."

I gasp as I cover my mouth.

"They found her car on a random back road with her in the trunk...."

She takes a shaky breath as she struggles to continue.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do about Nia...she doesn't have any family, her father ran out on them years ago, and Jennifer wasn't the kindest...."

"I can take her...until they find someone else." I hear myself saying before I know it. "I'm already fostering one kid..."

"She doesn't even know..." she stares off into nothing as she grips my hand. "I couldn't bring myself to tell her yet.."

"We'll figure it out."

I smile sadly at her as I squeeze her hand.


"Turmeric, check. Ginger, check. Basil? No."

I'm checking my spice cabinet, checking for what I need as I try to distract myself. Nia didn't take the news well and locked herself in my room crying. She won't talk to anyone, not even Angel, just keeps sniffing as she hides under my covers. Ms. Pearl made her some homemade chicken noodle soup and hot chocolate, her two favorites, and left them on my bedside table for her when she's ready.

Angel's snuck in there a few times, bringing her water and cookies to try and cheer her up. He even told her about his family...

I wipe a tear as I try and focus on my task again. It's hard to believe that these kids have went through so much to being so young...

"Do you need my help, deary?"

I wipe my tears again, acting as if I'm perfectly fine as I nod. I don't meet her eyes as I start to shuffle the spices around.

"Y-yeah...I wouldn't mind..."

"Why don't you take a break and eat, you've been going through every cabinet in this apartment since I came back up hour ago..."



"And Ms. McCall?"

A social worker is checking my apartment out, making sure that it's a safe environment for the kids as I stand twiddling my thumbs anxiously.

"There's only two rooms...both with only one bed. Where do you expect the child to sleep?"

"W-well...I haven't had the chance to look for a bed. I was going to go yesterday but had an emergency with other foster child, Angel, and then today you stopped by..."

"But it's in the works?"


"Where has she been sleeping since she's been brought into your care?"

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