Ch. 42: Kanima

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"You both ready?"


It's right after school, I'm in the driver seat of my parked car looking back at the kids. I decided today was as good as any to take them for a fun activity. I decided on doing a little scavenger hunt/expedition into the woods with the kids. Nia loves plants and anything outside, and Angel has been telling me about how he used to do the same with his dad back in Mexico.

I made sure to have them all bundled up, decked out in heavy coats and fuzzy hats and gloves with scarfs around their necks. Nia wanted to bring her book to try and find some of the plants, and Angel wanted to bring a bucket to collect anything he finds interesting.

I also have a large bag of snacks, drinks, emergency supplies, a first aid kit, and a blanket for whoever may need it. We are only going for an hour or so, but I want to be prepared.

"Let's go!"



We all hop out of the vehicle before I lock it and grab the kids' hands. With the bag slung across my shoulder and a kid on each side, I walk into the preserve with a smile.


Something told me to go out tonight, in my gear, and patrol the area. The kids are both asleep, knocked out from running around the woods for two hours. They loved every bit of it.

I check up on them one last time, locking every door and window before I leave. I also asked Ms. Pearl to keep an eye on them, saying that it was an emergency and I needed to go.

She was still awake, cooking like always, when I knocked on her door. I had on a trench coat that covered most of my attire, with everything else in a bag slung across my shoulder.

As I walk out into the night, I slip on my mask and dispose of my coat and bag in my car. I make sure that I have as many weapons as I can carry before I leap onto a fire escape, climbing onto a roof and I running off.


I hear gunshots coming from a few blocks away, multiple right after another. I pull out my katana, rushing to the sound. I see Argent unloading a gun into something that I have only seen once before. The Kanima jumps back up, kicking Argent into a wall. I jump down, readying for a fight I was not sure I was going to win.

It sees me and hisses, looking at me with snake-like eyes. We both crouch down, keeping eye contact as we study each other. I know what a kanima can do, having encountered one in Brazil when I was there. It wiped out a small pack of wolves who's Alpha killed a small child on a full moon.

I don't remember everything that happened. It was over four years ago and I was barely nineteen. I just remember the abilities and what damage it caused.

It swings it's tail, going for my legs as I roll out of the way. I jump up and swing my katana, slashing it in the stomach before jumping back. It swipes at me again, trying to hook it's tail around my ankle. I slice it's tail before it can touch me, moving out of its reach.

It tries to distract me, but I can sense it's claws close to me. I slip behind it before jumping on its back, hooking my legs around its waist as I slice with my katana. It growls loud, holding its throat as I jump back. I land in a crouch, holding my katana up as I watch the creature non blinking.

I hear more movement coming from beyond the headlights of Argent's car. I keep my eyes on the kanima, pulling out my matching blade as I prepare for anything.

The Kanima becomes distracted, giving me the perfect opportunity to slip into the darkness. I keep my weapons out as I watch from my hiding place. My boss walks into the light, looking right in the Kanima's eyes.

Out of no where, Scott tackles the Kanima. He makes eye contact with the hunter before running off after the Kanima, who ran while they were distracted. I stick to the darkness as I follow them, wanting to protect anyone and everyone the Kanima May attack.


I'm watching as Scott peeks around a corner, looking for the kanima. I see Stiles running up on him as I slip into a crouch position. He and Scott talk as I look around, searching for the missing creature. I stop as I hear Stiles say a name I didn't think I would hear.

The kanima is Jackson? That makes so much sense...

I see the kanima slip into the building across from me, going through the vents silently. I notice stiles starting at it and know that he and Scott will be inside. I wait until he's not looking before I follow Jackson, slipping into the same hole he did.

When I get inside, I silently crouch down on the overhead beams. I look down at all the dancing people, seeing Danny walk in as I do. Seeing the lack of female patrons, I immediately know what kind of club this is.

I keep my eyes out as I stick to the pilers over head. I know with my attire and body, I would not fit in the crowd even if I wanted. And honestly, it did look nice dancing the night away...

Maybe I should hit up old friends and have a night of a normal escape from everyday mom life...

I see Scott and Stiles walk in, looking around. They head to the bar, asking for drinks as I scan the room again. I see movement coming from across the room, on the ceiling.

I see Scott looking before he releases his claws. I try to keep my eyes on Jackson as he makes his way down to the floor. He starts to knock people out as he makes his way to Danny.

I see red eyes in the crowd, heading for the Kanima as they move. I hop down, going unnoticed as people continue to dance and groove around me. I hear a growl as I move through the crowd, slipping through shirtless guys and gorgeous drag queens as I do. Screams fill the air as the bodies are finally brought to light.

I move to the back exit, following my brother into the night.



Sorry if it's not very good...

I was having a bit of writers block and wrote what would come to mind...

Drink water!!!!!!!!!????!!!!!!

-the Author

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