Ch. 4: First Full Moon

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I'm sat in a tree, silently watching my brother from afar. I'm in a solid black outfit with a black hood and mask. The only thing that anyone could see are my eyes. I see him looking at someone by the gate, drawing my attention away from him.

When I see who he's looking at, my breath hitches. What is he doing here? Why is he here?

I watch as he waits until Scott isn't looking before he disappears, jumping onto a roof and running away. I watch as Scott dances with Alison, if you can call it dancing.

I sit and watch as Scott begins to grimace, backing away from his date. He goes to leave as I silently hop out of the tree. I stick to the darkness as I make my way to the front yard, where I know he parked.

I watch as he gets in the car and drives off, leaving Alison behind. I'm surprised when Derek steps up and offers a ride to her, saying he's a friend of my brother's.

What is he planning?


I follow Scott's sent, moving through the woods undetected. I hear him up ahead as I silently follow his steps. He stops up ahead, looking at a tree with a jacket on it.

"Where is she?!" He asks as he looks around.

I duck more out of sight as I watch him look for the culprit of the jacket hanging. I sense someone to my left, hidden by the darkness. I see them moving slowly forward, towards my brother.

"She's safe, from you." I hear his voice before I see him.

He jumps out and tackles my brother, both of them rolling down the hill. I creep forward, drawing my black daggers as quietly as possible. They don't notice as they are to distracted by themselves. I hear more footsteps coming as I jump and swing into a tree, pulling myself up into the cover of its limbs.

I see a flash bang go off as I cover my eyes, protecting them from the blinding light. I hear another arrow fly through the air as it strikes Scott's arm, pinning him to a tree. I grip my daggers, ready to pounce.

Before I can, two of the hunters go flying through the air. In the distraction, I see Derek grab Scott and take off into the woods. I put my daggers up as I watch the hunters stare off after them.

I smirk as I watch them get away. I wait for the hunters to leave before I slip away. I head home knowing that I can trust Derek enough to protect my brother.


I have takeout in my hands as I move through the hospital. I decided to surprise my mom with dinner. I haven't seen her as much as I wanted lately, she's either working or I am.

I slow down as I notice that Scott and Stiles are up ahead. I catch Scott slipping into the morgue area, trying to seem inconspicuous. I narrow my eyes as I silently slip into a seat around the corner, grabbing a magazine and opening it up.

I wait until Scott is back before I tone in on his conversation.

"The sent was the same."

"Are you sure?"


"So he did bury the other half on his property..."

"Which means we have proof that he killed the girl.."

"I say we use it."


"Tell me something first. Are you doing this to stop Derek or are you doing this because you want to play in this game and he said you couldn't?"

Derek? Dead body? Killed?

"There was bite marks on the legs, Stiles, bite marks!?"

"Okay. Then we're gonna need a shovel."

They walk away as I gasp. They're going to do something bad, I know it...


"Hey, mom!"

"Ana? You brought me dinner?" Mom looks at me in surprise as she sees me.

"Yes! And some for me too, if you've got the time?"

I pass her the bag of food as she smiles at me.

"I get..." she checks her watch. "Ten minutes so let's make this quick, okay?"

"Yeah!" I smile as we walk to the food court.


"And mr. Rogers didn't want a colonoscopy but his wife demanded it and he finally agreed. Can you believe that? Hours of this man yelling and refusing just for his wife to yell at him to shut up and do it and he does."

I laugh as she tells me about her shift so far. I really missed her. She was my rock growing up, always making sure that I was okay and making me peanut butter cookies when I was sad. She always knew they were my favorite...

"What's on your mind, sweetie?"

"How much I missed you and my idiot brother." I laugh as she shakes her head.

"What did he do now?"

"I think he's going to confront a suspected murderer..."


"I dont know..."

She stares at me for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"It's almost time for you to go back to work, you better eat."


She finishes her soft tacos as I eat my quesadillas.

"Thank you again, sweetie! I needed it!"

She gives me a kiss on the cheek before she gets up and grabs her trash.

"I got it! Go save live. Love you!"

"Thank you! Love you too!"


I watch from afar as the two police officers escort Derek out of the old Hale house. Scott is in front of me watching it all with no knowledge of me being there. I shake my head at my brother's stupidity as I watch everything unfold.

I have a feeling that Derek isn't the killer. I know that he isn't the one who bit Scott, I can smell that he's a beta, not an alpha. I see Stiles walk over to the police car, trying to go unnoticed.

I roll my eyes as I tone in on what he's doing. I see Scott turn around as he sees Stiles get in the passenger seat and starts to talk to Derek.

"Just so you know, I'm not afraid of you..."

I hold back my laughter as I listen in.

"Okay, maybe I am. Doesn't matter. I just want to know something. The girl you kill,"

My smile drops as I smell Derek's chemicals shift. He smells a little sad, as if he's grieving.

"She was a werewolf. She was a different kind, wasn't she? Like she could turn herself into an actual wolf and I Scott can't do that..."

He takes a breath, catching it after talking so much.

"Is that why you killed her?"

I can smell the grief. It's much stronger now. There's a bit of anger in his chemo signals now as he listens to Stiles talk on and on. I hear him take a breath as he goes to talk.

"Why are you so worried about me, when it's your friend that's the problem?" I hear Stiles' heart jump at Derek's words. "When he shifts on the field, what do you think they're gonna do, huh? Keep cheering him on?"

Definitely not.

"I can't stop him from playing, but you can." I see the sheriff making his way to the car, going to grab his son. "And trust me, you want too."

I slip away as I think of plan to help Scott.




Drink water!!!!!!!!

-the author

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