Ch. 8: Murders and Cats

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I'm in my black uniform, creeping onto a roof hidden by the darkness. I slip through a window, finding myself in a bedroom. I see a black bag on the ground, under the bed. I silently creep over to it, keeping an ear out for any sound.

I unzip it, seeing clothes and other things. In the middle is a large wooden box. I pull it out, opening it: inside is an array of bullets, all lined up neatly. I grab the wooden box with a flower on it. I open it up and grab one bullet, slipping it into my pocket. I silently close everything as I hear two sets of foot steps heading my way.

I slip out the window again, closings it silently as the door swings open. I blend in with the darkness as I hear my brother walk into the dark room.

I slip away, heading for my car that I parked a ways away. When I get there, I change back into my normal clothes. I check myself in the mirror, making sure that I'm presentable. I get in and start the vehicle, driving away.


I walk into the animal clinic, hearing voices coming from the back. I walk in, seeing Scott and Stiles standing with a shirtless Derek.


"What's going on here?"

"Ana?!" Scott and Stiles yell as they whip around, eyes wide.

"'Stasia?" Derek asks in a breathless tone.

"Scott? Stiles? Answer me."

"Uh-I-uh" Stiles looks from me to Scott to Derek, trying to find an explanation.

I can see that Derek's arm is healed, the bullet hole gone. A wave of worry washes away as I see it.

"You know what... I don't want to know." I wave them off, stepping around them to get to the cat kennels.

"What're you doing here?" Scott asks

"Well, baby brother, I'm here to pick up a cat that is ready to go home."

"How did you get in? The door was locked."

"I have a key." I hold it up giving him a smirk.

"What? Why?"

"Well because your boss is an old friend of mine, and..." I grab Felix's kennel, finding him asleep. "I also am a silent partner."


"Yeah!" I smirk again as I step back into the room. "Now, I'm not only your older sister, but also your teacher, and technology your boss too!"

I laugh as dread fills his face. I see Derek with an amused look standing behind Stiles, who is holding back enjoyment as well. Derek has put back on a shirt, covering up his fantastic abs.

"Why is the bone saw out?" I ask as I see it on the table.

"Oh- we were just messing with it.."



"Your essay better be in first thing in the morning. It's already late."

His head drops as I walk past them, heading for the door.

"One of you get that." Pointing to the kennel.

I hear them sigh as Scott gestures for Stiles to do it. I notice that Derek and Scott seems to be heading for Derek's car. I give them a confused look as I continue to my car. I figure they're just doing werewolf stuff.

"Put it in the back seat, please?"

Stiles does, grumbling under his breath about how much he hates the McCall siblings. I laugh to myself as I enjoy his annoyance.

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