Ch. 34: Moonstone

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I walk past the office, looking at my papers. Stopping, I back up and look at the idiots by the office. They haven't noticed me yet, to busy pushing their ears against the wall of glass outside the principal office.

"What're you two doing?"

They jump and turn and look at me, both with eyes the size of semi tires.



"We're in school. It's Ms. McCall." I cock my head to the side, looking at them with narrowed eyes. "What're you doing?"


They look at each other, stiles shrugging as Scott exhales exasperated.


Just then the door flies open, revealing Noah and a deputy. Stiles scrabbles to cover his face, grabbing a magazine and opening it fast.

I shake my head as I stand there, arms clutching my folder. Noah looks slightly disappointed, but not surprised, as he sees his son. He exhales as he shakes his head a little, looking at my brother.

"Hi, Scott." He looks at me and smiles a little as he sees the necklace. "Ana."


I smile in greeting as Scott nods. Stiles keeps his face covered the whole time that his father his present, acting as if he's not there. I smirk until I see the person by the door. I stand up straight, squaring my shoulders as I look at my new boss.

"Boys." Their heads shoot up, looking at him in fear. "Come in."

"Mr. Argent?" He looks at me, smiling as he does so. "Anastasia McCall, history and Spanish teacher. I was wondering if I could sit in on this? That one is my brother..."

I point to Scott as I speak, seeing him gulping as he looks at me. Mr. Argent smiles again and holds his arm out, as if saying 'right this way'. I smile and follow the boys into the office, standing in the back as they sit in front of the desk.

They all take a seat as Mr. Argent grabs their files. He pulls one out, opening it and reading out the name.

"Scott McCall....well, you're not the most accomplished student...but, yet, you have become quite the star athlete."

He looks up at Scott in surprise as I scoff a little. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for my brother and glad that he has something he's passionate about, but I severely dislike people who value athleticism over academics.

"Mr. Stilinski...huh..." he looks at stiles file in surprise. "Perfect grades but little to no extra circulars...maybe you should try lacrosse!"

I hold back a laugh as stiles does his usual thing.

"Actually, I'm already on-"

"Hold on..."

Stiles gets cut off as Mr. Argent looks back at Scott. Stiles shifts as the attention is taken off him. I look back at my brother as I hear his heartbeat pick up.

"'re the Scott that was dating my granddaughter..."

"We were dating, but not anymore! We're not seeing each other or doing anything with each other...uhm..."


"Scott, you look like you're about to crack a cyanid pill with your teeth."

"Just a hard breakup..."

"Aw that's to bad! You seem like a pretty nice kid to me..."

Scott nods as I scoff under my breath. I look at Mr. Argent, watching him as I assess his body language. He seems laidback on the surface, but I can tell that he's on guard. More than likely, he's angry. Considering recent events, I understand why.

"Now listen, guys." He draws my attention back to the present. "Yes, I am the principal, but I really don't want you to think of me as the enemy."

"Oh! Is that so..." stiles looks at Scott as Scott gives him a look.

"However as it is my first day," he glances at me as he speaks. "I do need to support my teachers. Unfortunately, someone will have to take the fall and stay behind for detention."

I watch as Scott looks at stiles, silently asking him something as stiles looks at his hands. I shake my head as I look at the two teens in front of me.

Once stiles looks up, he realizes what Scott is saying and does a full body exhale as he sits back. I shake my head as I look back at Mr. Argent.

"Since this is about wrapped up, May I be excused? I have a test to supervise in twenty minutes..."

"Yes, you may, Ms. McCall. Thank you for your time."

"No problem...."

I smile before giving both boys a scolding look, feeling satisfied as they both cower away, before walking out the door.


I'm in my classroom, preparing for my last class, as I sit at my desk. Flipping through papers, I realize I misplaced my cheat sheet for the test. Throwing open the drawers, I search for what I'm looking for. Papers fall out of folders as they're removed from the desk. I finally find it but stop as I see something shimmer underneath it. I reach in, shifting loose papers and uncovering the hidden treasure.

I gently reach in, grabbing the chain with delicate fingers and holding it up. My hand shakes as I look at the moonstone, the gold shining from the fluorescent lights overhead. I gulp as I drop it on my desk, distracting myself with cleaning up my mess.

A knock sounds from my door. I jump as my head snaps towards the sound, revealing a nervous looking Erika.

"Ms. McCall?"


"I have my doctors note for yesterday ..."

"Oh! How did your appointment go?"

"Still epileptic soooo..."

"Sorry..." I glance back at my desk, looking at the papers again.

"Cute necklace..."


"Can I see it?"

"Sure." I hand it to her before returning to what I was doing. "Just give it back before class starts."

She nods before sitting down, looking at the beautiful necklace in her hands. She admires it for a bit, smiling as she moves it in the light.

"What kind of stone is this?"

"Moonstone. In some parts of the world, it's a sacred symbol. Others, it's a sign of good luck...for me, it something my ex gave me that I can't get rid of."

She laughs as she hands it back, a smile on her face.

"It's very beautiful. Even for a gift from an Ex..."

"Thanks." I smile at her just as the bell rings. "Would you pass these out when everyone takes their seats?"

She nods as I hand her a stack of test sheets, a smile on her face as she waits.


I'm walking to the door, going to leave, when I see a familiar car pull up. I stop at the window and watch as my brother hops in with my Ex and drives off.




How is it?

Drink water!!!!!!!?!!!!

-the author

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