Ch. 94: Candy

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I wake up and get the kids ready for school, walking out the door before seven thirty. I drop them off before heading for the school. I go through the actions of the day, teaching and grading like I do everyday.

By the end of the day, I've already had three minor anxiety attacks and two meltdowns in the bathroom of the teachers lounge. I take the kids home as I stay in my daze. I feel as if I'm walking through a dream, that my reality isn't my reality.

As the sun goes down, I make sure all the windows and doors are locked before tucking the kids in bed. After last night, they still want to sleep in my bed for the fear.

I lay down beside them, covering up with the blanket as I stare at the wall. Thinking of all the possibilities as I gently rub my stomach.


I wake to the sound of a knock coming from the front door, causing me to jump up. The kids are still asleep as I grab my robe and slip it over my pjs as I creep out the door. I check the time, seeing that it's just past six. The sun is just starting to rise as I walk to the door and peek out.

Shock fills me as I reach for the lock, clicking it out of place before opening the door. A muscular back faces me as I pull my robe tighter around myself. They seem tense as they look around, checking for any danger.


He turns around fast, looking at me up and down as he checks me for injuries. I look at him in confusion just before he turns my head, looking behind my ear. He traces the five behind my ear, looking at me in worry.

"They were here..."

"Yes....Halloween night..."

I turn his head, seeing the same mark on his ear. I run my finger over it as furrow my brow. He grabs my wrist, gently moving it away as he looks into my eyes. His vibrant greens are swimming with emotions as they look deep into mine. He intertwines out fingers, holding my hand as he reaches up with his other one, brushing my hair behind my ear.

"I missed you..."

He mumbles as he pulls me closer, causing our lower abdomens to brush up against each other. I smile a little as I run my hands up his arms, resting them at the base of his scull as I fiddle with his hair.

"Me too..."

He smiles as he pulls me closer, brushing his lips against my own as he continues to stare into my soul. I lick my lips as he looks down at them, caressing my cheek as he does. Derek rests both his hands on my hips as I pull him in, connecting our lips.

Sparks fly as I grip his hair, feeling him digging his fingers into my hips. Minutes feel like hours as we claw at each other, showing our emotions through the kiss. We pull away, his lips going right to my neck as I bite mine. He starts to push my robe down as I force myself away.

"We...we can't do this right now..."

I'm struggling to catch my breath as he looks at me in what seems like pain. He pulls away, running his hand through his hair as he looks at the ground. I clear my throat as I look towards my room.

"You're right...I've been gone for awhile..."

"'s because the kids are currently sleeping in my bed..."

He looks up at me as I smile a little, pointing towards my room to emphasize my point. He nods before looking at me again, a smile on his face as he walks towards me again, pulling me in for another kiss. I smile into it before pulling away, smiling up at him while resting my arms on his shoulders.

"Do you want to eat some candy while we catch up?"


"So you and Peter were captured?"

We're sat on my couch, eating Halloween candy that I snuck out of my room as we watch movies we used to watch all the time. So far, we're halfway through Scream and next we're watching I know what you did last summer. Derek has his arm around me as we talk and watch, each eating a piece of a Kit-Kat.


"It was his fault, wasn't it?"

"How'd you know?"

We both smile at each other, giggles coming out of my mouth as he leans forward. He nuzzles his face into my neck as I laugh, feeling the scruff on his face tickle me. We fall back onto the other cushion on the couch as I wrap my thighs around his torso. He rests on mine, going into a cuddle as his face stays in my neck.

I exhale as I rub his hair, my mind coming back to reality as I remember what's in my stomach. He sits up, hovering over me as I look up at him. He has a confused look on his face as he looks down at my stomach.

I have a feeling he's figuring it out, but I still want to tell him. I feel my heart beat raise as my chest tightens. My nerves are going crazy as I look at his face.

How will he react? Will he want this? Will he want me? Will he stay?

My palms become sweaty as I fiddle with the collar of his shirt. He is still looking at my abdomen, his face the same. I loose my breath as I'm overwhelmed with emotions.


He looks up at my face as I feel tears form in my eyes. His face morphs into worry as he sees a tear slip free. I quickly wipe it away as I sit up, watching as he follows.

Damn these hormones!?


"I'm pregnant..."



Void stiles is coming....

Or maybe he's already here....



Drink water!!!!!!!!!!!

-the Author

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