Ch. 65: Stay

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Days pass before I hear anything from any of the Beacon Hills residential Scooby gang. I stuck to my normal routine, taking the kids to school, going to work, teaching and grading, go home, have dinner, do an activity with the kids, put them to bed, do whatever chores, and go to sleep.

By the time that the cross-country meet comes up, I'm completely oblivious to what's happened. Most of my students are gone so I have an easy day. The kids I do have all work on their own thing as I grade all day. By the time that the last bell rings, I've got all my papers graded and set aside for the next day.

I lock my door, heading for the exit as Ms. Blake stops me.

"Ms. McCall? I was wondering if you wanted to go over the plan for the next weeks schedule?"

Since teachers are disappearing right and left, I've been taking on roles with other teachers. I've helped divise a schedule for a different teacher to take over for a class that's teacher is not here.

It works most of the time but I end up getting stuck with high school band most of the time. I guess I'm the only one free that hour.

"Uh...yeah! Tomorrow! I have to pick up my kids..."

"Tomorrow's Saturday..."

"Oh! Right! Silly me..." I clear my throat "Monday?"

"Great! We can eat lunch together..."


She smiles at me before rushing off. I realize that I forgot something and head back to my room, unlocking it and grabbing my test folder. I have to plan ahead for my own class due to taking on the extra load.

I lock my door again and walk outside. I actually don't have to pick up the kids because Noah is already taking them on a fishing trip for the weekend. They've been talking nonstop about it for two weeks so I agreed and sent everything they need with Noah last night. He just needs to pick them up.

I get to my car, unlocking it and getting in. I shut my door and turn on my car as I set everything to the side. A bang against my window startles me as I look up, seeing a bloody Derek leaning against my window.

I watch horrified as he falls to sleep the ground, leaving a blood stain on my window. I jump out, rushing over to him as my heart beats fast.



He passes out before he finishes his sentence. I look around, not seeing anyone as I bend down. I grab his arm, using all of my strength to get his muscular ass up. I open my back seat and get him in. I get in the driver's seat, starting the car and driving off.


I get to his apartment, leaning Derek against the wall as I get his door open. I grab him, trying to get him inside before he passes out on me. My skirt and blouse are both soaked with his blood as I haul him into the living room.

"You our me a new outfit...this was my favorite..."

He grunts a little as I get him over by his couch. His leg hits the coffee table, causing me to loose my grip.

"Derek...Derek I'm loosing you..."

He hits the ground, dragging me down with him. I look up at his face and try to get his eyes to open.

"Derek? Derek can you hear me?"

His head drops to the side, causing my heart to stop. I grab his chin, I direct his head towards me as I feel myself freaking out.

"Derek! Derek! Oh shit! Derek open your eyes!"

I rush around his apartment, grabbing anything that would be useful before rushing back to him. I prep everything before I reach for his shirt, rolling it up. I ignore his amazing abs as I grab a disinfectant.

"H-how bad is it?"

I jump a little, looking up to see Derek looking at me. I smile as I meet his eyes.

"You're awake..."

He smiles a little as he reaches up, wiping my cheek. I look a little confused at him until I realize that I'm crying. I sniffle as I look down, going back to taking care of his wounds.

I wipe the black blood from his would before pushing a gaze pad against it. He flinches a little as I do this, making me finch as well.

"I'm sorry..."

"It's oka..."

He passes out again as I look up, watching his head drift to the side again.

"Derek! Stay with me..." I push more pads against his wound, trying to stop the bleeding. "Please don't leave me..."

I rest my head on his chest as I cry, holding the pad against his torso while I listen to his heartbeat.


I wake to the feeling of someone rubbing my hair. I look up, seeing green eyes looking down at me. I sit up, rubbing my face as I look around. We're still on the floor of his living room, a mess around us from his wounds and my rushed actions.

"How're feeling?" I ask as I look back down at him, watching him grunt a little as he sits up. "What're you doing? You shouldn't move!?"

"I-I'll be fine..."

I exhale as I help him up, directing us both towards the stairs. He grunts a little as he grips his torso, allowing me to guide him away from the mess of the living room.


Once I get him to his room, I lay him down on his bed gently. He's passed out again so I crouch down, untying his boots to take them off. I do the same with his shirt, being careful if his wounds as I slip it off him. I go to cover him up and leave when he grabs my arm, holding me back.



I slip off my shoes, letting my hair down before slipping into the bed with him.




Drink water!!!!!!!!!!!!

-the Author

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