Ch. 103: Prepped

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*3rd person*

Raphael decides to join the convention now, feeling left out and helpless as his daughter lays with a stab wound. Noah sighs, shoving his hands into his pockets before continuing.

"As I was saying, a man that works at Eichan didn't see anything when he arrived at work at four...that means she was attacked somewhere between 4:05 and 5:45..."

Melissa covers her mouth, beyond worried for her daughter as Noah continues. She barely notices a hand gripping her shoulder, providing little confort with the situation.

"They did say that a patient had a meltdown at approximately 4:45...she was shouting about a woman needing help but they didn't see anything so-"

"So what? They didn't investigate? No one thought to check for my daughter on the street bleeding out?!"


Melissa tries to calm down her Ex-husband, barely succeeding as the sheriff continues speaking.

"They thought it was figment of her imagination...they have patients who see things everyday in there..."

"Did you speak to the patient?"

" She was still sedated when I questioned the staff. They did say they would call when she did wake. I also have Officer Gomez still questioning possible witnesses as we speak. Did Parrish show yet?"

"No.." Melissa shakes her head, looking back around the room before clearing her throat. "No one else has shown up..."

Just then, the doors open to reveal an angry Derek with clenched fists and a hard jaw. He immediately starts for Melissa when he sees her, needing to know what to expect.

"Where is she?"

"Derek...she's being prepped for surgery..."

"When can I see her?"

"I'm not sure..."

Melissa shares a look with Decan, gulping before looking towards the other two males who were here before. Raphael clears his throat, taking a step forward.

"When was the last time you saw Anastasia before the incident?"

Derek just glares at him, deciding to look back at the other three adults before him.

"Has anyone told Scott?"

"No..." Before Melissa can finish her sentence, Derek is pulling out his phone. "I don't want him to know yet."

"He'll know something is up when she's not there to teach his class..."

"But...with Isaac and Stiles..." Melissa stops, taking a deep breathe before speaking again. "He won't know it's this. Let him concentrate on school and then I'll tell him after her surgery and everything..."

Derek huffs, putting his phone away as Raphael clears his throat. He tries to speak again, asking a similar question before Derek hits him with his death glare once again. Noah sighs, grabbing Derek's shoulder before directing him towards the chairs in the waiting area.

"Can I ask you a few questions? Just to get a better understanding of the timeline and what happened?"

Derek keeps his glare on Raphael the whole time, only deciding to look away when Noah clears his throat. Derek looks back at the Sheriff, his jaw tight and his hands in fists.

"When was the last time you saw Anastasia?"

"She woke up out of no where about...4:15 this morning. She said she needed a walk to clear her mind or something...she left before 4:30. That was the last time I saw her."

"Why didn't you go with her?"

Raph, who stepped closer to hear the conversation asks. Derek glares at him before looking back towards Noah, who nods for him to answer the question.

"I tried. She told me to stay there so the kids weren't alone...she said she didn't want them to wake up and no one be there so I did. I stayed home and waited for her to show back up."

"Did she say anything else? Maybe a reason for the walk or if she was going to meet someone?"

"No. Just that she'd be back before she had to get to work..."

Noah nods, standing up as Derek does the same. The older male pats the youngest shoulder, a sorry look on his face. Melissa steps up, clearing her throat as the two men finish speaking.

"That's everything...I'm sorry this happened Derek..." Noah says.

The younger male nods, stepping towards the only female as she offers him a small smile.

"I can take you to her can wait until her surgery's done if you want?"

They disappear down the hall, Decan following as the two cops look towards each other. The sheriff exhales, wiping his face while watching them leave.

"At least we have a better timeline now..."

"Yeah...let's get more..."

They nod, turning and walking out of the building.


Scott walks into his sister's classroom, his mind still thinking of his best friend and beta. Isaac is doing better but still unconscious, while Stiles is once again missing. He has been for a whole day. Allison is right behind him, both speaking about Isaac and his condition as they move towards their seats.

"What did your mom say?"

"She said she'd check on him throughout her shift today and let me know later...did Lydia say anything else?"

"No...she still feels like she was an idiot. Like she messed up more than possible when we needed her the most."

"You'll talk to her, right?"

"Yeah. We're going to the mall after school for some retail therapy or something."

Before either of them can say anything else, coach walks in with a bunch of papers in his hands. He exhales a large breath, moving to the front of the class with an unnoticeable frown.

"Alright...turn to page 178 and read to 184..." the class groans, pulling out their textbooks as Scott and Allison share a look. "I know. I know. I also don't care. After your done, you'll have a packet to do fast...or whatever..."

He sits down in Ana's seat, exhaling a loud breath as he watches the class get to work. Allison whispers, her face beyond confused as she looks at her ex and alpha.

"Where's your sister?"

"I don't know..."



Curren mood: listening to 'Life's a Bitch' by TAELA

Drink water!!!!!!

-the Author

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