Ch. 55: Kitten

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Nia cried over the kitten, so much so that I thought she was going to pass out for a moment. Now it's been a week and we still don't have a name for it. It's taken to litter box training well and even waits for it's bowl to be filled before eating.

It meows a little bit and loves to run around, but is a real cutie most o the time. Nia is constantly with it, playing and cuddling, and even naps with it sometimes. The cat also follows her around everywhere she goes.

Right now, I'm folding clothes as the kids nap, cat included. I'm listening to music from my high school days as I hum along, nodding my head as I fold a towel.

I hear a knock at the door and go to open it, finding a face I haven't seen in a while.


I pull her into a hug as she laughs. I let her in as she takes off her leather jacket. She sets a suitcase down as she hangs her jacket up on a hook. I walk into the kitchen, Braden following me. I pull out two mugs, making us both a cup of coffee as she sits down at the table.

"How have you been? I haven't seen you in over a year..."

I sit, handing her a mug as she starts to answer me.

"I've been working for a group of hunters, tracking down a dangerous pack of alphas that are thought to be in this area..."

"Really? I don't like hunters, you know that, but I also know the danger that they bring..."

I clutch my mug as I take a sip, thinking of the countless times a hunter has hurt me or someone I cared for.

"I know...but this pack is out of control. They are rumored to have killed the rest of their past packs, including family."

My head snaps up, shock shining through my brown eyes.


"I know..."

I shake my head as I look off into space, trying to think of a logical reason why someone would do that. I spot Braden's suitcase, drawing my attention back to reality.

"Do you need a place to stay?"

"No. I already booked a hotel. That's just the suitcase I don't like people to go through..."


I nod as I understand immediately. She has an arsenal on her at all times.

"What about you?"

Her voice knocks me back to the present as I smile.

"Well...I have two foster kids, both orphans, and we just got a kitten the other day..."

"Awww! I knew you would be the motherly type..."


"It's true! You would even mother me sometimes...."

We both laugh as we think back to the past. Braden and I met a few years ago in Brazil. She needed help with a case and I just happened to over hear. We then started to work together, traveling as we helped any who needed it. We had a falling out about three years ago. She wanted to do a job I wasn't comfortable with, but she wanted the money.

"You want anything? I have left over chocolate cake or some cookies...if you don't want a sweet, I have leftovers from last night. Lasagna.."

"No...I'm good. I actually need to be heading out soon...I just wanted to check in on you...see how you were doing..."

"I appreciate was great seeing you, Braden...if you ever need anything, just call, okay?"

"Only if you call too..."

We smile as she stands, heading for the door. She grabs her things as I walk her out.

"See you later, Mama Bear..."

"After while, lone wolf..."

We laugh as she walks out the door, not looking back. I lock up before turning, going back to folding clothes.


"You still haven't named the cat?"

Stiles dropped by, bringing a game to play with the kids. He's eating right now as I wash up the dishes from today and yesterday.

"Yeah...Nia wants to name it, but she doesn't know what to name it..."

"How about buttercup!"

I look at him, not amused at all.

"What? It's a great name!"

I shake my head as I turn around, scrubbing a plate. I have just a few more dishes to go and I'm done. The kids are getting ready for bed, being that it's after nine.

"Don't you have other things to do? Like go home?"

"Okay...that's rude..."

"'s just that you've been here for over five hours and the kids are about to go to bed. I'm also tired and really wanted to slip into bed as soon as I can..."

"Okay...I'll go...but can I have a piece of that cake before I do?"

I nod as I laugh, moving onto the next dish. Nia and Angel come in, both dressed in pjs with fresh breath.

"Ready for bed, monkeys?"

They nod as they stand there. Stiles smiles at them before going back to eating his cake.

"Give your uncle Stiles a hug and I'll meet you both in there to tuck you in, okay?"

They nod as the each give stiles a hug, both mumbling a good night. Nia yawns as she leaves the room, Angel right behind her. The kitten rubs against Stiles leg before prancing out of the room, following the kids.

"Okay. That was adorable!"

I look at him with a smile as he waves me off.

"It's a gift."

"Oh! Whatever!"

I hit I'm with the dish rag in my hands, a smile on my face as he laughs.

"Okay! I gotta go! Bye Ana! Love you!"

"Yeah. Yeah"

I grab his dirty dishes, setting them in the sink before walking to the door. I lock it and head to the kid's room, walking in to say good night.

"Okay...lay down..."

They both lay down as I tuck them in, giving each a kiss on the head before stepping back. I gently shut the door before walking back to the kitchen, ready to finish and go to bed.



Any thoughts on names for the cat?

Drink water!!!!!

-the author

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