Ch. 101: Prepare Yourself

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*3rd person*

A man jogs down the street in the early morning light. The cool air causes his lungs to burn, the discomfort causing him to take a short cut back to his apartment. He turns down a deserted road, the large asylum taking up most of his view as he jogs towards his home.

A body causes him to slow, his instincts kicking in as he rushes towards the still woman. Her face is familiar, her usually tan skin pale as blood soaks her clothes and the cement around her.

"Ma'am! Ma'am can you hear me?"

He checks for a pulse, finding a faint one as he sighs a little. He pulls out his phone, hitting the speed dial for his work. He checks for wounds, finding a large stab wound with black blood oozing out.

"Hello, dispatch..."

"This is off duty officer Parish...I'm at 1742 Maybrook Street...I need an ambulance immediately. A young woman, approximately 23 has a stab wound in the abdomen...her pulse is week and she is non-responsive."

"They're on their way..."

"One more thing..."

"Yes, Officer Parish?"

"Don't tell Stilinski..."


A car slams as Noah rushes towards the scene. Flashing lights from an ambulance and police car causes his feet to pick up, his worst fear coming to life. A man in a cop uniform steps in front of him, holding up his arms to stop him.

"Let me pass, Gomez!"

"I can't do that sir..."

"Damn it! I need to see her!"

Officer Parish steps up as well, trying to defuse the situation as he steps in front of his boss. His sweats and hoodie have blood on them, only causing the man to become more worried. He pushes past, rushing around the ambulance to see what he hoped he'd never see. If anyone in this world was close enough to be a daughter to him, it would be Anastasia McCall.

And she's laying in front of him... clothes bloody and face pale....

The paramedics strap her to a board, a third pumping air into her lungs as they move quickly. Another car pulls up, another door slamming as a voice follows.

"Where is she?! Where's my daughter?!"

Noah exhales, forcing his own worry down as he turns to meet the tall man still dressed in his suit from yesterday. His hair is a mess, more than likely from him rubbing his head like he does when he's stressed. Noah's noticed it a few times in the past, mostly when it deals with Scott and Ana.


"Let me see her, Stilinski."

"Brace yourself..."

He leads him around the vehicle, catching them loading her up as the tall brunette covers his mouth. He muffles a gasp as tears fill his eyes. Anger fills his bones as he consoles himself, the door to the ambulance closing with her inside.

He turns to the sheriff, his eyes hard as the other two officers stand beside them. Raphael pushes his hair back, standing up straight as he exhales out an a grey breath.

"Find out who did this. I don't care how, but find this bastard and throw them in a fucking cage!"

"What about you? Aren't you the agent?"

Noah tries to hold back his snip, but couldn't with his own anger boiling under the surface. Raphael takes a breath, looking down before wiping his mouth a second time.

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