Ch. 37: Birthday Boy

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"What're you doing here? Don't you have a game to get to?"

I exhale as I continue to set up my contraption. I'm in Derek's room on a Tuesday while he's at school preparing for his basketball game. I'm benched for a week due to my grade slipping, so I couldn't play tonight even if I wanted to.

"Tomorrow's April first..."

"So?" Peter crosses his arms as he leans against the door.

"April fools."

"Oh. Your stupid rule about pranking that has managed to stay in tack for the last two years."


I get the air horn in place and step back, smiling at my work. I rigged it up to a timer that will release enough pressure to set it off at three A.M.

Last year Derek did the same, but with a radio that blared 'welcome to the jungle' at midnight. I got in trouble for that one...

"I think I'm going to get a hotel tonight..."

"That's probably a good idea."

I pull out the same radio Derek used last year, that I wouldn't let him have back, and set it up to play 'Wannabe' by the Spice Girls at midnight. The air horn is already hidden and this radio will be in a different hiding spot.

"Yup. I'm gonna go pack..."

I hear him walk away as I pull out a big box of condoms, putting them in his socks drawer where I known Tatia will find them. The box is just about empty, only one left out of a hundred.

I jacked it off of a junior who is known for his promiscuous ways. He didn't think much of it as he was more focused on my chest.

I also grab a pencil and paper, writing him a nice note reminding him that my birthday was last week. He was busy with Paige and didn't even call. I'm not jealous, just mad.

I put the note in a picture frame and hang it up by the picture of us at his fifteenth birthday last November. Last year he gave me that Jacket, this year I hoped for at least a 'happy birthday!' But no, not from my best friend.

Once I'm done, I grab my stuff and walk out the door with a smirk on my face.


I wake fast, jumping up and rubbing my eyes. I head to the kitchen, starting a pot of coffee before grabbing everything I need to make French toast.

Today is Angel's birthday, his ninth to be exact. He said he didn't want a party but I still got him a present. I'm also planning on taking him and everyone else out to eat tonight for his birthday.

By the time that I'm done making the French toast and bacon, I hear little feet padding towards the kitchen. I turn and smile big, pulling Angel into a hug as I sing him happy birthday. Nia laughs as he pushes me away, hiding his smile from us.

"Here you both are! Birthday breakfast for you, and a normal but just as important breakfast for you!"

They laugh at me again as I lay their plates down, smiling as I do. I hear a knock on the door, followed by it opening slightly with Ms. Pearl poking her head in.


"Come on in! I just finished breakfast."

"Oooo! Smells good!" She walks in, holding a present the size of her torso. "I have a gift for the birthday boy!"


She walks over and places it on the couch before joining us at the table. I offer her a plate, but she declines before turning to the kids and asking them about their day and what they have planned.

Once they're done eating, I grab their plates and set them in the sink. Ms. Pearl and the kids rush to the couch after they wash up, all giggling as they do. I smile as I watch them crowd around the present, waiting for Angel to open it.

"Go ahead! Open it!"

Nia is jittering as she jumps up and down, ready to see what it is. I giggle as I watch her before looking back at the birthday boy, watching as he rips the paper.

The wrapping gives way to a brown cardboard box, taped up with a big heart drawn on it. He smiles at everyone before gently removing the tape, flipping the flaps open. He gasps as he looks inside.

"I made you a recipe book of everything I know of...I wanted you to have them. I also bought you a custom apron, just for you!"

He smiles as he holds it up, showing the solid red apron with an embroidered 'Angel' above the chest pocket with a matching set of wings. He also flips through the book, reading the titles of all the food he's just aching to try.

"I also got you something else..."

He looks up, confused as Ms. Pearl grabs her purse. She reaches inside, grabbing another gift. He smiles as he takes it, gently pealing the wrapping off. He gasps as he holds up a new game. He smiles and just about tackles Ms. Pearl as he repeatedly says thank you.

"He got Minecraft?!" Nia yells as I giggle, shaking my head at them.



I turn around, seeing Nina standing with a handsome man. I'm currently paying the bill for our dinner at the restaurant when she walked in.


I pull her into a hug, smiling at the man over her shoulder before pulling away.

"Who's this?" The man ask's, a smile on his face.

"Oh! This is Anastasia McCall! She's a teacher at the school." She explains before turning to me. "Ana, this is my loving husband, Jace Williams. He's a deputy under Sheriff Stilinski."

"Wow! Nice to meet you! Noah is actually a close family friend of mine..."

"Yeah...he's a great guy..."

"What're you doing here? Did you have a date with that hot guy I saw in your room the other day?"

"What guy?" I ask confused.

"Dark eyes...leather jacket..."

"No. It's actually Angel's birthday..."

"Oh, really? Here, give him..." she digs into her purse, grabbing a twenty and handing it to me. "this and say it's from from his favorite librarian!"

"Got it!" I laugh before waving and going to walk away. "See ya! It was nice meeting you, Jace!"

"You, too!"



How's everyone's day going?

Drink water??!!!?!!!??!!!!

-the author

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