Ch. 92: Two Lines

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I'm sitting on my couch, staring at nothing as I listen to the ticking of the clock carry on. I sit in a haze as I fiddle with my sweater sleeves, eyes unfocused as they face the wall. My thoughts are going a mile a minute as I think of the possibilities that could come from what may be.




What do I tell Derek? How do I tell Derek? How will he react? Can I do this?




Thoughts consume me as the ticking carries on. I feel tears running down my face as I stare at the wall, face blank with dead eyes.




A loud knock on the door causes me to jump, gasping as I wipe my eyes and stand. I walk over towards the door, peeking out through the hole to see my mom standing there with bags. I unlock the door with shaky hands before opening it and stepping back, my head down as I walk back towards the couch.

"Okay....I got a few different brands just to be sure...are the kids in bed?"

I nod as she sets everything down on the table. She digs in, grabbing a Gatorade before walking over to me. She holds it out as I mess with my sweater sleeves.

"There's no point in taking them...I already know that I am...."

"Peace of mind. Now come on. Stand up."

She forces me to stand, guiding me over to the table as she hands me the drink. I open it, taking a sip as she gets in the bags and pulls out three separate boxes of pregnancy tests. She starts to explain each brand as I zone out, looking at everything on the table. 

"Go take this one."

She hands me a package as I nod, walking towards the bathroom. I follow the directions, leaving it on the sink as I step out after washing my hands. My mom is in the kitchen, plating a batch of her homemade peanut butter cookies.

"I made these earlier...I was planning on handing them out instead of candy but you can have them instead and I'll just grab a bag of candy at the store before tomorrow...."

I smile a little as I reach out and take on, taking a bit as I look at the table again. She sets the rest down before walking towards the table and grabbing the second pack.

"Take this one next." She looks at me, seeming to try to find the right words. "Please don't take offense to this in anyway...but...uhm...who's the father?"

I laugh as I shake my head, sitting down as I finish my cookie. I grab my water that I left on the table and take a sip, looking at my Gatorade that I can finish later.

"Jasper and I never had sex...we didn't even kiss."

"What?! Come on! I thought I raised yo better than that.."

I see she's trying to make a joke, most likely to put me in a better mood. I smile as I look down, looking at my cookie and water. I hear her take a few steps closer as I begin to speak.

"Our relationship was more of a friendship...and we both agreed on that. He's actually trying to work things out with Jack's mom.."

"Yeah...I see her a lot."

"Derek's the dad..."

"Your ex from high school."


I gulp before I take the last bite of my cookie as I look at the ground.

"Where is he now?"

"I don't know..."

My mom sits next to me, gently setting her hand on my shoulder as she turns me to look at her.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean he left three months ago with his sister to go back to South America and I don't know where they went or if he's coming back."


She pulls me into a hug as I feel tears coming to my eyes. I sniff a few times as she starts to rub my back, soothing me as I break out into tears. She starts to hum as she rocks me, treating me as if I was a child who hurt her knee.

But I'm not. I'm an adult who got knocked up by her ex just before he left town with his sister.

"I'm not mad at anyone but myself. I put myself into this position. I just wish..."

"'s okay. These things happen, sometimes in the worst possible way....everything will turn out."

She smiles as she pulls away, resting her hands on my shoulders. Tears roll off my cheek as I look her in the eyes, confusion clear on my face.

"How do you know?"

She smiles more, reaching up and wiping my tears away before brushing away a fallen strand of my hair. She cups my cheek, looking me in the eyes as she shows how much she loves me through her eyes.

"Because if it didn't...I wouldn't have you or Scott."

I throw my arms around her neck, pulling her into a hug as more tears roll down my cheek. She laughs as she hugs me back. We pull apart once the timer goes off, alerting us to check the first pregnancy test.

"The moment of truth..."


After taking all three and getting the same results every time, we know the truth. I throw everything away except for the tests. I hold them in my hands as I sit on the couch, my mom in the kitchen packing up to leave. She has a shift she needs to start soon and I don't want to hold her back.

"Okay...that's everything..."

I stand, setting the tests on the table as I walk towards her. I pull her into a hug, squeezing her tight as she does the same. We pull away as I wipe my eyes again.

I guess these are the hormones, right?

She smiles at me before turning to leave. I stop her, looking at the ground before looking up at her again.

"W-would you keep it a secret...I-I don't think I'm ready to tell everyone just yet..."

"Of course! But I will tell the OB at the hospital so you can set up an appointment...she's the best in this part of the state!"

"Okay....that's fine. Love you, Mom...and.. thanks for being here for me. I really appreciate it.."

"I'm your mom...that's my job!"

She kisses my cheek before walking out the door, waving before walking out of view. I gently shut and lock the door before resting my head against it, decompressing from everything I just felt and experienced.

I exhale before standing up straight and turning around to head to bed. I jump a mile high when I see the figure standing at the coffee table, looking at the tests. I look at him in surprise as I rush forward, grabbing the tests.

"What are you doing out of bed? It's past midnight..."

Angel looks up at me with wide eyes.

"You're pregnant?!"



I know...I know...

I love Mama McCall...

Drink water!!!!!!!!!!

-the Author

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