Ch. 40: The Abomination

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I smile as I see Noah sitting on a bench, a few open seats next to him. Nia and Angel are behind me, holding drinks and snacks while I hold a blanket.

"Hey, guys! Wanna sit by me?"


They both rush them o sit by him as I smile. Noah offers Nia some of his popcorn as I sit next to Angel, sipping on my coffee.

"Hey...why is stiles over there?" Nia points over to stiles, who sits on the bench.

"He just is..."


I giggle to my self as I watch the kid's talk to themselves. Noah and I share a look over their heads as they start to bicker about different things.

"Where's Scott? I want to say hi to him!"

"After the game, Nia. He's already on the field."


I see Boyd walk up with Erika, going to sit at the top of the bleachers. I immediately smell the difference in his chemicals and scoff to myself. I try to push my frustration down as I hear the whistle blow, signaling the start of the game.


I cringe as I watch Scott get tackled by a guy trice his size. Nia and Angel have abandoned Noah and I for friends that are playing games on the right side of the field. I can still see both of them, so I thought it would be okay.

"How tall do you think he is?" Noah asks as he eats some popcorn, looking at the giant.

"Easily 6'4"

"Oh, definitely."

He tosses another piece into his mouth before offering me some. I take a handful, smiling at him. I hear Bobby yelling at the ref's, saying something about an abomination before sitting down next to stiles.

"I'll be back, okay?"


He shuffles a handful of popcorn into his mouth again as I stand. I grab an unopened Gatorade that I got for myself and walk over to Bobby and stiles.


"Oh. Hey, Teacher McCall. Didn't know you were here."

"I try to make as many of Scott's games as possible. Plus, it's funny watching you yell at the referees..."

"Ha ha. Very funny."

I laugh at his stale tone before holding out the Gatorade, offering it to him.

"Nah. I'd rather have a coffee...with a shot of whiskey...or just a shot of whiskey..."

"Well...shoot...I'm fresh out of whiskey" I tap my pockets, acting as if I'm looking for something. "I might be able to get you a coffee, though...."

"I would really appreciate it...COME ON!? HOW IS THAT ALOUD?!"

I laugh as I shake my head, walking away. I hand stiles the bottle as I walk past him, walking to the concession stand.

"Hey...can I get two black coffees and two hotdogs and one nachos, please?"

The teen behind the counter nods before turning to fulfill my order. I pull out a twenty and wait patiently. By the time that I return to the game, stiles has disappeared and another player is being lifted off the field.

I wince as I walk to the stands, handing Noah a coffee and hotdog. He thanks me before chowing down. I walk back up to the couch, offering him the coffee and a choice between the foods.

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