Ch. 35: Rock Wall

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The kids are asleep, curled up in their beds as I on my cup of tea. I'm sitting in my room, looking out the window at the night sky as the full moon stands high. I have an uneasy feeling in my chest as I look at the night sky.

Ever since the night that the necklace was returned to me, I've been having weird dreams. Dreams of Peter, Lydia, Derek, and Kate. I've been trying my hardest to push them aside, playing it off as stress, but the more I do, the more they happen.

I don't want to alarm anyone, and I can't really tell them anyway, so I keep them to myself. I finish my chamaille tea and set the glass down. I lay down, closing my eyes and allowing the darkness to take over.


I stand in the darkness, the smell of old wood and dust strong as I look around. I seem to be in the basement of the old Hale house, surrounded by charred wood and cobwebs. I step forward, into the light of the moon as I see movement.

As I step out, I see an enormous hole in the center of the room. I see a body laying on the ground, shirtless, and another standing above it. As I get closer, the faces morph into familiar figures, one more so than the other.

I watch as Lydia grabs Derek's arm, pulling him more into the hole as and arm reaches out. I scream and rush forward, trying to stop them.

My body hits a barrier, knocking me to the ground hard. I spring up, seeing a line of mountain ash surrounding me. Lydia disappears from view, melting into the darkness around us. I scream and yell until my throat is dry, banging on the barrier as I watch helplessly.

Hours seem to pass before anything happens. My hands are bloody and my throat is raw. I stare at Derek's motionless body, tears streaming down my face as I think the worst. Movement sparks my interest, drawing my attention away from the man on the ground.

I gasp leaves my mouth as I watch Peter rise from the grave, covered in dirt. He stands tall, his eyes wild as he takes quick breaths.

I scream again, drawing his attention as he looks at me in surprise.

I shoot awake, breathing heavy as I grip my chest. I glance around, exhaling as I realize that I'm safe, at home. I rub my eyes with my left hand, clutching the blankets with my right. I feel something cool digging into my palms as I rub my head. Looking down, I open my hand, seeing the moonstone necklace in my hand.



I'm in the gym, helping Bobby supervise the sophomores in rock wall climbing. I used to do this all the time when I was in school, I even still hold the fastest record in beacon rock climbing history. I smile as remember my younger self competing with Derek and us making a game of it.

My smile drops as I'm reminded of my dream from last night, how real it felt.

The blood...The pain...The grief...

The sound of laughter brings me back to reality as everyone laughs at my brother. I hear Bobby call Erika's name. Worry grips me as I watch her begin the climb. Stiles, who she was going against, makes it to the top and back in record time.

My worry worsens as I hear her crying. I can hear everyone talking about her as I move forward.

"Erika? Can you hear me?"

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