Ch. 72: Lost Life

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I sit and stare at the lifeless face of the boy I once knew, not knowing if hours or minutes have passed. I am completely cut off from the rest of the world as I sit, staring. I feel a hand come down in my shoulder, gently resting there as I face forward.

It starts to shake me as I hear a faint voice beside me. I don't pay attention as I continue to look at the life lost to this world. He had so much potential...he was strong...intelligent...and a wonderful person....

And just a kid....

The hand resting on my shoulder begins to turn me, causing me to look away from Boyd. I feel another hand grab my face, turning it towards them as I make eye contact with Stiles. I see his lips moving, but I don't hear anything over the ringing in my ears.

Another face comes into view as I stare at stiles' soundless mouth. I can see reddish blonde hair fall onto his shoulder as perfectly manicured fingers reaches over and rests on my upper arm. I focus on them as I feel my numbness slip away.

"Ana? Can you hear me?"

I nod as stiles exhales, gently squeezes my shoulder. I can see the worry on his face as he starts to ask another question.

"Can you stand?"

I nod again as I feel both him and Lydia grabbing my arms, helping me up. I feel them guiding me as I stare at nothing, listening to them talk.

"We're going to take you back to your apartment, okay?"

I keep nodding, not trusting myself to speak as I let Stiles guide me home. Lydia rubs my arm, whispering to me about taking a nice bath or laying down to sleep, saying they will help me. I don't know how...

A face pops up in my head, causing me to stop. How am I supposed to face her? How am I supposed best to look at her and know that she lost someone while I have everyone?


"What? Nia?"

Stiles turns to me, a confused look on his face as Lydia falters on rubbing my arm. I hear someone else walk up, speaking as they do.

"S-she said's Boyd's older sister...s-she works in the library at school..."


Issac walks into my vison, tears in his eyes as he checks up on me. He looks me over before looking at Stiles and Lydia. Both are staring a him in question as he speaks again.

"I-is she okay?"

"She's in shock. We need to get her out of it."


"I'm fine."

I rip myself away from all of them as my face turns to stone. I walk past them, heading for the stairs instead of the elevator. Once I hit the fresh air, I exhale as I look up at the night sky.

How could this happen?

I let one more tear slip before continuing to my apartment across the street. When I get inside my apartment, I see a worried looking Ms. Pearl sitting on my couch.

"There you are!? What happened?!"

"An...emergency...I-I had no choice and I couldn't tell you...I was right across the street...if that makes it better..."

"It doesn't. I was worried sick!? Angel was even worse!? He sat up until eleven right here, next to me."

"I-I'm sorry..."

I feel a tear slip as I clear my throat, looking down. She goes quiet as her eyes fall on my arms. I glance down, seeing clear finger shaped bruises on my skin. She slowly moves closer, resting her hand on mine as she pushes up my sleeve.

"What happened?"

"I-it doesn't matter....uhm..." I pull away, bringing my sleeve down as I throw on the best smile I can muster. "Thanks for dinner a-and everything else...I think I'm going to go to bed..."

She stares at me for a moment, taking in every little thing before looking down. She clears her throat, turning and grabbing her purse before giving me a small smile.

"Your plate it wrapped up and in the microwave...please eat before you go to bed?"

I nod as she rubs my cheek, giving me another sad smile before walking out the door. I stand there for a moment, staring at nothing as I process everything.

I feel myself moving towards the kitchen, heading for the plate of food. I'm on autopilot as I fill my stomach before taking a shower and going to bed.


I woke up, made breakfast, checked on Nia, helped her with her morning routine before propping her up in the living room. Angel let her play his PlayStation while her waited on her like a servent. I believe he's feeling guilty about her leg.

By the time lunch rolls around, I've already washed and folded all the dirty clothes, cleaned the kitchen, organized the pantry, cleaned the bathroom, and planned five lessons ahead in all of my classes. I also woke up before dawn with a massive headache.

After I finish everything and make lunch, the kids and I sit down to eat in the living room. I decided to let the kids eat in here while Nia is recovering. Or until she can make it to the kitchen table by herself.

"Okay...I'm going to put on a movie while I go work on something in my room, okay?"

They nod as I select a kids movie. I pick the combo set of both Rugrats movies. Angel knows how to play the second one so I know I have until after that to finish cleaning my room. I decided to reorganize it and maybe move some things around.

I smile at them as I walk towards my room, walking in and looking around.

"Where to start....where to start...."

I look at my closet that has boxed overflowing with clothes. I pull the first one out, sorting them out as I decide what I want and what to give away. I toss an old Jean jacket aside, seeing something fall out. I look at it confused as I walk over, bending down to pick whatever fell out up.

I stare at the photos as memories flash into my mind.



Filler but a sad filler....

Flashbacks are coming btw.....

Drink water!!!!!!!!

-the Author

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