Ch. 78: The Product

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After listening to Stiles and Derek argue, I decide to play with one of my daggers as they continue to talk. I drown them out as I toss the blade, catching it perfectly every time. They seem to ignore me as I stand in the corner.

After they said something about Cora, a door opens. Ms. Blake walks in, talking about how much they need her. I grab her, pinning her against the wall with the blade against her neck. I hear a commotion behind me as I keep eye contact with the bitch in front of me.


"Let her go!"

"Yeah...let me go...or you won't see your precious kiddy's again.."

I dig the blade in deeper as someone puts their hand on my shoulder.

"Come on...Ana..."

She smirks at me ai growl. I hear jaws drop behind me as I rip off my mask and hood, glaring at her as I dig the blade back into her neck.

"Where. Are. They?"

"Not. Telling."

She smirks as I draw back the blade, choosing to punch her instead. Her head snaps to the left as s spits out a tooth. She smirks at me as she laughs.

"You original plan was to come here, seduce a certain alpha and use him for my gain..." she looks at Derek, who is right behind me. "Until...I find out that he is to infatuated by his ex to even look my way...."

She looks at me, a smirk on her face. She looks me up and down before looking back at my face.

"I had to improvise...and, honestly..." Her smirk widens. "I prefer the cat over the dog anyways..."

I drop her, stepping away as I try to stop myself from ripping her throat out. The intercom sounds over head, my mom's voice coming through. I zone out as I pull out my gun, loading it up before tucking it back away. I pull out two solid metal throwing knives and another electric arrows. I have a feeling that I won't be able to repeat the move I just did with the twins, so I have to improvise myself.

Peter watches me as I dice up my arrow and transfer all the components onto my knives. These are homemade and produced by me. I purposely designed them to be able to morph to any object I attach it to. I pull out a trigger switch, calibrating it to the knives before I slip them all away.

I tune back in as I hear Blake talking to my brother. I turn around, moving forward as she speaks to him.

"Scott, you know why...tell them it's true..."

"What does she mean?"

"You're not the only one he wants in his pack."

Everyone looks at Scott as I look down, realizing the truth. She continues to explain as I think of a reason to keep my secret a secret. I can't find one, obviously.

"It doesn't matter! We still need to get her out of here..."

"But, Scott...your mom..."

"My mom said that there's still one more ambulance in twenty minutes...a-and I don't think we've been here that long..."

"I agree..."

They all turn to me, looking at me as I step up. I pull out a dagger, twirling it as I speak. They all switch from looking at the blurry dagger and my face as I speak.

"If we can get Cora down to the garage and get her into the last ambulance, we can get out of here...Now. Since it seems like I'm the only one capable of going against any of the alpha's, I'll go out first as a distraction while one of you get her out of here."


Derek steps forward, looking at me in the eyes as I look at him. I cross my arms, leaning back as I wait for his excuse. I can see Scott and Stiles watching us with curiosity.

"I'll go. You go with them to the ambulance."

"Uh...I'm not going anywhere with out Derek...he's an can't beat that kind of protection."

I glare at Derek, completely ignoring Jennifer as she speaks. He glares back, crossing his arms to mimic me. I raise and eye brow, giving him an 'are you serious' look. Scott steps up, breaking our silent battle as he speaks.

"I'll go with her...she could use some superhuman strength anyways..."

"You don't know what she is...Do you?"

Jennifer speaks up as she smirks at them. I glare as everyone turns to her.

"She's even better than an alpha werewolf...stronger...faster...wiser... She could probably take all of you out before you even blink..."


"Born as something no one knew about...that is no one but Talia herself..."

"We don't have time for this..."

I roll my eyes, moving towards the door as they all watch me. I ignore them as I go to put back on my hood and mask. Peter and Derek are watching me closer as I go to open it.

"Does he know?"

I stop, keeping my eyes on the door as she speaks behind me.

"Does your darling brother know the hidden truth?"

"What is she talking about?"

I turn glaring at her before looking at Scott. She laughs, taking the attention off me. Stiles is watching her closely as she moves a step forward.

"He has no idea, does he?"


I keep my glare on Jennifer as she decides to spill my secrets. She's lucky I need her alive or I would have slit her throat by now.

"Wow! Poor Scott....even his big sister can't trust him with the big secret! In my opinion...he does have a right to is about his parents..."

"What's she talking about? Ana?!"

I turn back to Scott, seeing his pleading eyes begging me to finally tell the truth. I sigh, looking down before looking back up at him. Everyone else's eyes are on me as I go to speak.

"Fine. Mom's not my mom, okay? Dad had an affair long before you were born. I was the product."

He looks at me in shock as I look at him, waiting for the shock to slip away.




Drink water!!!!!!!!

-the Author

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