Ch. 84: Leaving

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I'm getting ready for bed when someone knocks on my front door. I walk towards it, a confused look on my face as I peek out. I smile as I open it, letting in the handsome man.



"What's up?"

"I'm leaving....taking Cora back to South America...I wanted to say bye before leaving..."

I look at him in surprise before looking back up at him, seeing him rubbing the back of his neck. We make eye contact as I ask the question I need the answer to.

"Are you coming back?"

"I-I don't know...."

I nod before looking down. I just got him back...just fixed our relationship to the point where it can rebuild, and now I don't know if I'll ever see him again.

"When are you leaving?"


I look down, feeling his eyes on me as I clear my throat. I have no idea if I'll ever see him again, making me question everything about our relationship. Is it worth it? Will we ever be? Is it ment to be?

"What time?"

"It's undecided..."

I nod, looking towards the kids room before opening the door wider. He looks at me with confusion as I offer a small smile, inviting him in.

"Do you want to come in? Make the most of what time we have left?"

He stares at me, looking at me in an unidentified expression as he slowly starts to smile. He nods before stepping in, following my every move as we head to my bedroom.

"Of course..."


I wake, reaching across the bed and finding it empty. The sheet feels cold and unwelcoming as reality sinks in. He actually left...

I get up, not allowing my pain to show as I go about my morning. Onyx, the kitten I got Nia, has been all over me since I woke up, rubbing on my stomach as he purrs. The kids get up and ready for school as I make a quick breakfast and dress myself. We make it out the door and to the car with time to spare as we drive down the road, heading for the schools.


Days pass in a blur, flying by as I sit in a daze. I haven't heard anything from Derek since he left, making me feel anxious and worried. But then again, he's the one who left. Nia got her cast off, but now has to wear a boot, causing her to be able to be heard a mile away even by Mr. Jenkins, the eighty-something almost death war vet from two floors down.

Angel has been helping her nonstop, to the point where it annoys Nia. She's been irritated with him more lately, over every little thing sometimes. She even got angry at him for loving on Onyx while she was....

Noah has also been calling me more, wanting to spend as much time with the kids as possible after almost dying. He said it's because he wants to make up for all the years of doing nothing but working and that he likes the kids more than most people, which I don't blame him for at all.

Raphael has also been trying to get into my good graces, offering me dinner and lunch anytime he sees me. Luckily he doesn't know where I live or it would be all the time.

I also was offered a new position after the year is up, taking over for Ms. Blake. I like English and said I would take it, already planning lessons to teach. And since I will be teaching English, I won't have to plan for two separate subjects and just focus on the one.

Today's the first day back after winter break, meaning a new semester of unexpected supernatural weirdness that I have to prepare for. The kids are dropped off before I head to the school, mind blank of everything except one person.

As I walk past the office, I hear my name being called. I turn finding Mrs. Martin rushing after me with a worried look. I throw on a smile as I face her completely, taking a quick sip of my coffee as she catches up.

"Ms. McCall....I'm sorry to throw this on you there anyway that you could start teaching English today? We thought that we would have a replacement ready and our replacement for you had arrived way earlier than expected..."

I honestly didn't have any lessons planned for today so it won't effect me to much....except with not knowing exactly where they were in English...


"You'll have to still take on Spanish until the end of this year but I know you can handle it..."

"Will I be keeping my room?"

"Yes. The new teacher will take Ms. Blake's, right by yours...."


"Great! Oh! One more thing...would you show Mr. Yukimura around? He's the new history teacher..."


"Great! He's in his room. Have a great day and thank you again!"

She rushes off as I slowly turn back around, heading for my classroom again.

When I get to the classroom right before my own, I peek in and see a man shuffling through papers. I knock gently, causing him to jump and drop all of them all over the floor and desk. I rush forward, bending down to help him as I begin to speak.

"I'm so sorry!"

We pick them up and stand, going to face one another. He sets the papers on the desk before smiling at me.

"It's okay. I'm a born klutz anyway..."

I smile before holding out my hand, offering it towards him. He looks down at it before smiling and shaking it.

"Hi. I'm Ms. Anastasia McCall...I was the sophomore and Junior History teacher but now you hold that title...but don't worry...I love English!"

"Ken Yukimura...."

He smiles before dropping my hand, turning towards his desk to grab his coffee. He takes a sip as I stand there, looking at the area Lydia almost died in just a few weeks ago.

"I'm here to show you around...."

"Oh! No need! I took a tour with my daughter this morning. She's a junior...Kira."

"I don't think I've met her..."

I see him grab a photo off his desk, offering it to me as I look it over. I see two gorgeous women smiling back at me, one a younger version of the former. I smile at how proud Mr. Yukimura looks as he smiles down at the photo as well.

"That's my wife, Noshiko, and daughter, Kira. We just moved from New York..."

"Wow! They're both have a lovely family..."

"Thank you..."

He smiles proudly as he takes the photo, gently setting it back in its original place. I watch him with a smile before hearing the warning bell sound.

"Gotta go...I'm right next door if you need anything...just ask!"

"Of was nice meeting you..."

"You, as well..."



Here comes the void.....

Drink water!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!

-the Author

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