Ch. 16: Bobby

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"Have a good day, Sweetie! Make good  choices!" I call to Angel as he goes into school.

I pull out, heading for my job. I'm humming along to the song that's playing, tapping my thumbs on the steering wheel as I drive down the road. I pull into my parking spot, turning off my car and grabbing my bags. I hop out, seeing students everywhere as I walk to the school. I walk past the office, seeing Stiles sitting on the ground outside.

"Ana!" He scrabbles to get up as I walk past him. "Wait!"

"We're in school, Stiles. It's Ms. McCall."

"Fine. Ms. McCall, are you feeling better? What do you remember from that night?"

"I already told you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a class to teach."

I walk away with out looking back. I continue to my classroom, minding my own business.

"Ms. McCall!" I exhale as I turn, seeing the principal rushing to catch up with me. "You're needed in the office."

"What about my class?" I point to down the hall as I look at him.

"Ms. Boyd will take care of it. Please, come with me..." he directs me in the direction of the office as I sigh.



"Ms. McCall, we're under the impression that you were here the night of the break in. Is that correct?"

I'm sat in front of Noah Stilinski as he questions me about the other night. There are two other officers in the room and my boss is by the door.

"Yes. I was here grading papers. I lost track of time as I have more than thirty students who turned in late work that day. I heard commotion coming from the lobby, found a group of students before we were attacked by something."

"Something?" Noah gives me a confused look.

"Yeah. I didn't get a look at it, but it sounded like a wolf." I say as stare him down.

"A wolf..."


"Not Derek Hale?"

"Derek? What does he have to do with this?"

"You know Derek?"

"Yes. We went to high school together." I say, a confused look on my face.

"He's said to be the one behind the murders..."

"What?! Wow.." I look at him in astonishment as I act like this is the first time hearing it. "I have seen him around, but I haven't really talked to him since I got back to town..."

"What was the last thing you remember from the other night?"

"I woke up in my apartment...I don't know how I got there..."

"Okay..." he looks at the other officers in the room, rubbing his hands on his legs. "I think that's all, you may go..."

"Okay...thank you." I walk out of the room, heading for my class.


I'm sitting in my room, enjoying my lunch when the Coach rushes in. I give him a confused look as he pulls up a chair at my desk.

"I have a problem."

"Good afternoon to you too, Coach Finstock."

I smile before taking another bite of my lunch. Ms. Pearl made enchiladas with Angel last night and packed me a lunch with out me even asking.

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