Ch. 61: Cleopatra

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I'm walking into the school when I hear something coming from behind me. I glance, not seeing anything. I walk faster, gripping my bag tighter as I rush to my room. I shut the door, exhaling as I rest my head on the door. I hear a heartbeat right behind me, causing me to spin around.

I make eye contact with Derek's green eyes as I gulp. He stares at me as I slowly move closer.

"Wh-what're you doing here?"

"Just checking on you..."

"D-did you have to scare while you're at it?!"

He looks down, laughing before he looks back up at me.

"Sorry...I didn't mean too...but I just needed to talk talk to you about the other night..."

"What about the other night?"

I cross my arms, leaning back as he watches me. I decide to play dump, hoping he catches on and trusts me. He smiles as he shakes his head, looking down.

"We actually need to talk..."

"Ms. McCall!"

I turn, seeing Ms. Blake standing there. I throw on a fake smile as Derek looks away.

"Sorry...I was just wanting to see if you were okay? I saw you rushing down the hall..."

"Oh...uh...yeah I'm fine! I just had to hurry because I had a guest waiting here..."

She looks behind me and smiles as she gets a look at Derek. I glance at him to see him looking at the wall. Ms. Blake clears her throat, looking down before she looks back up.

"Sorry if I intruded...After resent events, you never know what could happen..."

"Well...thanks again, Ms. Blake...I appreciate it..."

"You're welcome, Ms. McCall." She turns to leave, but stops to smirk back at me. "It's Jennifer by the way..."

"I should get going..."

"Yeah! Go ahead!"

He smiles at me before going to walk away. I stop him, my voice breathless as I struggle to talk.

"Uh...t-thanks again for...everything..."


He smirks at me before turning, walking out the door and leaving. I watch him until I can't see him anymore, my hands shaking as he leaves my vison.

I scoff and shake my head, walking to my desk and sitting down. I drop my head in my hands as I exhale, staring off at nothing.

"What is wrong with me?"


"And Cleopatra..."

I stop looking towards the hall as I hear the sound of a fight breaking out. I look back at my students as I head to the door.

"Stay where you are."

I peek out the window, seeing on of the twins punching the other before stopping. I swing open the door, rushing out just as the one that was punching gets around the corner.

I follow him, deciding that Mr. Harris, who just walked out of his classroom, can handle the rest. I see him heading for the locker room as I rush to catch up with him.


I grab his arm, turning him around as he looks at me in surprise. I give him a hard look as I cross my arms, barely containing my anger.

"Do you want to explain to me what I just witnessed?! Why were you hitting your brother?! huh?!"

"I'm must be mistaken..."

"I'm mistaken? I'm sorry but there is only one pair of identical twins and I know what I saw!? A month's detention. In my room at exactly 3:15 every day after school."


"I don't care. I know what I saw and I know what you were doing. If I catch you doing it again, there. Will. Be consequences."

I glare into his eyes as he looks down, stepping away. He nods as I continue to glare.

"Of course, Ms. McCall. I'm sorry for my actions..."

"Right. What's your name?"




"Aiden what?"

"Aiden Steiner..."

"Okay. Mr. Steiner, fix your shirt, apologize to your brother, and get to class."

He smiles as he does as he's told, heading for his next class. I shake my head before walking away, heading for my classroom.


I'm walking out of my room right after the last bell, ready to head him when I'm reminded of my moment of anger by Aiden walking up to me.

"Oh. Right." I exhale as I look at him, narrowing my eyes as I turn to walk away. "Come with me."

I walk away, him right behind me.


I knock on the door, drawing Mr. Harris' attention away from the rows of students. He walks over, opening the door as I smile.

"Adrien? Would assign something to this one? He's got a month's worth of detention to pay for and today is just. the. start..."

I smile evilly as he nods, directing Aiden into his room. I can see both Alison and Issac sitting at desks, looking at me in surprise. Issac glares at Aiden as he smirks, sitting down next to him.

"Make it a good one..."

I whisper before leaving, heading home.


"What do you want for dinner?"


I smile as I nod, agreeing with both of the kids. It's been forever since we've had a pizza night....

I pull up to the Pizza Plaza, my favorite, and hop out. Both kids follow me as we open the door, heading inside. I see an empty table near the back and immediately guide the kids there.

We sit, grabbing the menus as I look and the kids copy me. I smile as I see Nia rubbing her chin like I do when I'm concentrating. Angel does the same as they both look at the menu, as well.

"What're we wanting?"

"Pepperoni?" Angel suggests as he continues to rub his chin.

"Yes!" Nia snaps her head towards me, eyes wide.

"Pepperoni it is..."

I see a man watching us from across the room, a smirk on his face. I keep my eyes down as I ignore him and joke around with the kids. He continues to stare as the night rolls on.

Please don't be a creep....




Drink water?!!!!?!!!!!?!!!!?!!!!

-the Author

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