Ch. 68: Worried

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I sit in that chair, waiting for a nurse or doctor to return and tell me that she's okay. I glance at the clock on the wall, watching the seconds turn to minutes as I grip my hands together. I watch as nurses and doctors rush by, going in different directions as they pass.

My mom had to get back to work, checking on patients and running supplies and charts to where they're needed. Noah just stepped out, talking to a frantic Stiles over the phone. He said he'll be back in a minute, offering to go get us some food while he's out.

My foot shakes as I rub my hands up and down my pants. I look back at the clock, seeing that only a few minutes have passed. I have never been so stressed or worried in my life, looking in the direction they took Nia.

My leg picks up, going faster than the speed of light as I glance back at the clock. I feel a hand grab my own as it rests on my leg, stopping my movements. I glace over, seeing Angel looking at me with a strong face.

"She'll be okay."

I nod as I take a deep breath, glancing back at the clock as Angel takes my hand in his. He squeezes it, calming me with his touch. I look back at him, smiling as I wrap my arm around him.

I kiss his head before taking another breath, calming down completely.

She'll be okay....



I look up at my mom, seeing her writing on a chart as she sits next to me. Angels asleep, his head resting on my lap as he snores away. Noah is sitting on the other side of Angel, his head back against the glass.

"Are we gonna talk about the thing that I know that you said that I can know but no one else can know yet you do things with that one thing that you know I know around people who don't know...."

I look at her, confused for a second before shaking my head. She exhales as she looks at my hand, nodding with her eyes about the white veins. I nod, looking back at the clock on the wall as I wait for Nia to come back out.

"I know you said that no one else can know because knowing is dangerous....but I feel like some who don't know, but knows about other things....should know..."

I look at her, giving her a look as she holds up her hands. Just then, Jasper walks up with a smile that doesn't reach his eyes. He looks at a chart before he begins to talk.

"Nia fractured both her Tibia and Fibula bones, most likely when she fell. And because of her age and the severity of the break, we've decided the best option is to implant supports to allow the bone to heal and grow at the same time. The supports will be a flexible nail that will realign the bone and keep it in place..."

"She needs surgery?"


I nod as I look down, brushing the hair out of my sleeping son's face. My mom puts her hand on my shoulder as Noah stands, moving closer as he crosses his arms. I look back up as he Jasper continues to talk.

"Her break was quite severe...she may have to stay a couple days to recover after he surgery..."

"Okay. Do what ever you need to do...just help her..."

"I will..."

He smiles before walking away. My mom rubs me shoulder again as we both watch him go. I look back down at the sleeping child in my lap as take another deep breath. Noah turns to me, gesturing to Angel as he beings to speak.

"Do you want me to take him tonight? Stiles has planned a movie marathon to help salvage his weekend and its about time for dinner anyway..."

"Yeah...he'll love that..."

I smile as I gently shake Angel awake. He groans as he looks up, sleep still heavy in his eyes. I smile at him as I help him up.

"Go with Papa Noah....he's gonna take you to eat then to his house so you can hang out with Stiles...."

He rubs his eyes, nodding and yawning as he gets up fully. We all watch him as he stubbles a little, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Noah ruffles his hair as he laughs a little.

"Come on kid....let's go get a burger..."


After Nia's surgery, she got a cast and a room with a very uncomfortable recliner for the guests. My mom works for this floor sometimes so she has been stopping by every chance she gets. I don't have to work until Monday, giving me the perfect opportunity to stay here and watch over her while I can.


I look up, seeing Stiles poking his head in while holding a balloon in one hand. He has a big smile on his face as he walks in. I see a bag of food in his other hand and immediately know what it is.

"What're you doing here? It's after eleven...visiting hours are over..."

"Yeah...but dad said you hadn't ate anything...."


I'm extremely confused....

"And check on my favorite niece....and they wouldn't let me in without it..."

Ah....that makes sense...

"Well...I appreciate it...what'd you get me?"

"I went to the restaurant across the street...they have amazing egg rolls, did you know that?"

"Yeah....I love that place..."

I yawn before reaching for the bag. Nia is still knocked out from her surgery, snoring as she lays still. I smile as I listen to her little snores and snorts.

"So....She broke her leg in the woods?"

"Yeah...Noah said she fell down a hill after tripping in a hole....she was trying to keep up with Angel, who decided it'd be a good idea to go for a nice run..."

"'s nothing like the bones I broke when I was her age...I once broke my leg and arm in one fall!"

"I know...I was there..."


I roll my eyes as I dig into my orange chicken and peppered steak, eyeing my lo mien as I chew.



Sorry if it's not that great....I've been having to deal with family drama for the last few days and it's really effecting my vibes...

Drink water??!!!!!!!!!!

-the Author

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