Ch. 64: Cora

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"I need to talk to him..."

"Then go."

I look up at Issac, seeing him staring at me as I stare at the picture. I shake my head, looking back down at the picture.

"I can't..."


I open my mouth, trying to find an excuse that doesn't come. I close it, shaking my head again as I lay the picture down next to me.

"I just can't."

"That's not a's barely an excuse."

I look up at him, glaring as he uses the  words that I've used on students. He smiles as I get up, going back to boxing stuff up. He stands as well, helping me box up books and miscellaneous objects.

"Answer this one question....why did it end?"

I exhale as I keep doing what I was doing, ignoring his question. He looks at me, still grabbing books off the shelf. I pick up my copy of 'The Great Gatsby', opening it up to see the note that was wrote on it.


Please accept this gift even if you don't want anything to do with me. I know how much you've been wanting it and found this copy for you. I'm sorry for everything that I did...Please know that.

I'll always love you

I grab the note, holding it up as I huff. I put the slip of paper back in the book before shutting it, dropping it in the box next to me. My jaw is tight as I grab another book and put it in the box as well.

"Maybe it can be worked never know what will happen..."

"He cheated, okay?"

Issac freezes, looking at me in surprise. He gulps, turning back to the shelf as I continue on my desk. I hear him clear his throat, not looking my way.

"I-I don't know why he would...but it's been years...maybe it would be good to talk it out....get somethings off your chest and mind...grow from the situation?"

It's my turn to freeze as I stare at the desk. I know deep down that he's right, that it would be good for both of us....

But was I ready for that?

"If you change your mind, he lives in the building across the street from yours..."

My eyes widen as I look up at him in surprise. He smiles a little before going back to de shelving my shelf.

Why does he live there?

"He owns the building but lives on the top floor..."

I nod as I process this information.

He lives there? Why hasn't he said anything? Why so close?

I stop, backing away as I go to leave the room. I stop and turn to Issac, a hard look on my face. He looks up, freezing when he sees me.

"I ment what I said. No one is to know about what you find in here. No matter what it is."

He nods as I turn, rushing down stares. I pass my mom, who's doing laundry while watching a movie. The kids, Scott, and Stiles are still outside.

"Mom...I've got something I have to do. Could you watch the kids? I'll be back..."

"Yeah! Just hurry back!"

I nod before rushing out the door, heading for my car.


I pull up to the building, walking inside. I rush to the elevator, pushing the button to the top floor. Anxiousness settles in as I wait for the lift to stop. As it does, the doors open and I step out. I head to the big metal door, seeing light shining through the cracks.

I knock, waiting patiently for the door to open. I hear foot steps walking to the door, making my heartbeat pick up. I take a breath getting it together as the door slowly opens.



I stare in shock as she moves forward, giving me a big hug with a smile on her face. I smile and hug back, gripping her tight as I feel tears rolling down my cheek. The last time I saw her, I was so angry and heartbroken that I didn't even say goodbye.

Then I thought she died....

"You're alive...."

"Of course I'm alive! I can't believe you're here...."

We pull away, smiling at each other. She begins to talk as I wipe my tears.

"I heard you went to South I tried to follow you but got lost. A nice pack found me and took me in..."

"You tried to follow me?"

"Yeah....I thought you were the only family I had left...."

I pull her into another hug, gripping her tight as she does the same. I feel more tears coming as I take a deep breath, gathering myself. She pulls away and steps back, letting me inside.

As I step in, she closes the door behind me. She starts to tell me all about her adventures and how she missed me more than she would like to admit. I felt the same as I saw her as my little sister, the one I always wanted....

"Derek's not here right now, we're you coming by to talk to him?"

I nod as I clear my throat, rubbing arm. I look towards the window, seeing a beautiful view of the town below. My view is nothing like this one....

"He said he wouldn't be back for hours..."

"I actually need to go....I have to pick up my kids from my moms..."


"Yeah! Two foster kids! I'm actually in the process of adopting them both..."

"Wow! That's amazing! I'm so happy for you!"


I smile before hugging her again, heading for the door. I go to open it, but stop as it begins to open itself. I step back surprised as Boyd walks in. We make eye contact and his widen in surprise.

"Ms. McCall?"

"We're out of school. You can call me Ana like the rest of them...."

He nods as Cora walks up to us, a smirk on her face. I laugh as she looks at me in enjoyment.

"Ms. McCall?"

"I'm a teacher happens..."

She laughs as I turn, smiling at both of them before walking out the door.



She's starting to get it.....

Drink water!!!!!!!!!

-the Author

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