Ch. 85: My Boys

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I'm walking down the hall when I see Scott freaking out with his red eyes showing. I rush towards him, looking around to make sure no one's looking as I approach him and Stiles. I grab his arm, making both him and Stiles jump as they both look at me.

"What's wrong?"

"I-I d-don't know..."

I look around before grabbing him, leading him to my room as Stiles covers his face from view. We get to my classroom where I shut the door, allowing Stiles to take over as I walk towards my desk.

Scott is yelling at us to stay back as I dig around in my desk, looking for a specific thing. He rips off his coat, throwing it aside as I struggle to find what I'm looking for. I give up and walk to Scott, letting my claws loose before using one to slice the back of his neck.

He grabs it as he falls down, using the claws on his other hand to claw into his flesh. I watch him in worry as he grunts in pain, my face showing it as I step back. Stiles does the same until Scott calms down, sitting back and looking up at Stiles.

"The pain helps..."

I cut in and out of paying attention as I watch them talk. I can tell that everything is taking a toll on them, making them jumpy and disoriented. They don't need this...any of it.

Stiles begins to talk about how he can't read and how he doesn't know if he's dreaming or not. I gulp as I watch them dwindling away before my very eyes. I move forward, bringing both of them into a hug as they stare off into nothing.

What's happening to my boys?


Days pass before anything happens, I get up take the kids to school before head to work, teach, pick up the kids, go home and repeat. It's taking a bit to get used to teaching English, but I'm getting the hang of it.

Right now, I'm eating my lunch in my classroom while students pass by outside and in the hall. I can see Scott and his friends across the yard, eating and talking at a table. I can see Mr. Yukimura's daughter walk up, sitting and talking to Scott and stiles. I decide to look away, going back to my food as I prepare for my next class.


I'm walking up to Mom's house with kids behind me, carrying containers of food. Mom said to come over after her shift to have a movie night and Ms. Pearl insisted on sending food. As we walk up to the door, I hear yelling coming from my family. We step in, seeing my parents standing with my brother.

"Stay in here..."

I say to the kids before walking into the room, causing all faces to turn towards me. I cross my arms, looking at them with a stone cold face. I can tell that everyone is upset as I begin to speak.

"Whatever is going on...better be settled in the next five seconds or I swear to whatever god you believe in that will carve out someone's eyes and force them down someone's throat..."


"Don't speak to me."

I turn to my mom, choosing to ignore the asshole who left us. He clears his throat as Scott speaks up.

"He's trying to fire Stiles' dad!?"

My head snaps to him before looking back at the asshole. I can hear Scott's heartbeat pick up as I see his nails turning into claws. I look at mom before setting my hand on his shoulder.

"This can be settled later...right now I need your help bringing in bags, okay?"

He manages to nod as I pull him out the door, hearing my mom continue talking to the dick. We pass the kids who I tell to stay as I force Scott away from them. When we get to my car, I let go of him. He stumbles before catching his step, growling as I start to whisper to him.

"Find your anchor're old one is slipping need to find a new anchor..."

"I can't....I-I don't know..."

"Look at me...Scott look at me..." I grab his face, forcing him to look at me as his red eyes shine. "Follow my breathing, okay?"

I start taking long, deep breaths, looking into his eyes as he copies me. Once he's calm enough, I let go and turn towards my car. I open it up and grab Nia and Angel's over night bags before handing them to Scott. He takes them as I reach and grab my own, slinging it over my shoulder before turning to my brother.

"Let's head inside..."

He nods as I walk, him right behind me as I see the kids still in the same spot. I can hear mom and Raph going at it silently as I open the door, walking in. They stop as they see me, Raph rubbing his neck as my mom glares at him with her arms crossed.

"Angel! Nia! Come on!"

I call out as they come in with Scott, both looking at my father confused. Nia hobbles over to My mom, a smile on her face as she hands her a daisy she found outside. My mom smiles as she bends down, taking it as she pulls her into a hug. She kisses Nia's head as she pulls away, in a better mood.

"Nana Mel! Look!"

"Aww! Thank you! Oh I love it."

My dad watches them with confusion as I take the food from Angel, setting it in the kitchen before returning to see Angel greeting Mom now. He has a smile on his face as he tells her all about his new friends.

"Why don't you both go with your uncle Scott to pick out a movie?"

They cheer before rushing after him. He smiles, allowing them to guide him towards the movie shelf. When they leave the room, I turn to my mom with a smile. I choose not to acknowledge the sperm donor as I speak.

"Guess what?"


"The final court date is coming up!"

"The final final?"

Her eyes widen as I nod. She rushes forward, pulling me into a bone crushing hug. I grip her back, smiling big as she squeals and spins us around.

"What's going on?"

We both ignore him as she pulls away, holding me at arms reach.

"We need to celebrate! I have ice cream in the freezer and a cake that I can make! Wait...when is it? I can try to request off to be there..."

"Next 12:30 pm..."

"I'll be there! I can't believe it's going to be official!"

She pulls me into another hug as she smiles into my shoulder. I can see Raph still looking at us in confusion mixed with something else as I we hug. Scott comes into the room, looking at us like we're crazy.

"What is going on?"

"Next week I'm having the last court date to see if I can officially adopt Angel and Nia!"


He smiles as he pulls me into a hug, spinning me around as I laugh. He does the same as mom, holding me at arms reach as he smiles at me.

"Can I come?"

"Yeah! You'll have to get out of school! But with how your grades have been lately, I think you can spare it..."

"We'll be there!"

My mom says as she smiles big, bringing both of her kids into a hug. We hear someone clear their throat behind us. We all pull away, simultaneously turning towards Raphael. He looks at us with painful eyes, his lips pushed into a fine line as he looks at us.

"Congratulations...I-I'm just gonna go...I'll be by tomorrow..."

He clears his throat as he turns, look at the ground a few times as he walks out the door. Scott turns to us, a thoughtful look on his face.

"Hey...I gotta go..."




Drink water!!!!!!!

-the Author

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