Ch. 60: Supply Closet

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I'm walking to the clinic, food in my hands as I open the door. I hear multiple voices in the back as I walk in. Derek, Scott, and Issac are all crouched over a small cow tank filled with ice while Deaton and Stiles are standing in front of me.

"Am I interrupting something?"

All five heads snap in my direction as I look around. Deaton Smiles as he moves towards me.

"Ana! How do you feel?"

"I'm about to be 'not very okay' if I hear that stupid ass sentence again!"

I see them all getting amused faces as I move around Deaton. I smile at Isaac as he stands up.

"Issac! I haven't seen you in months! How have you been? Are you coming back to Beacon High?"

I pull him into a quick hug as he smiles at me. I can see Derek giving us a confused look as he watches us.


"If I would have known all of you were here, I would have brought more food.."

I hold up the bag of takeout from the local Chinese restaurant. Stiles has his eyes trained in on it as licks his lips. Deaton smiles at me as he speaks up.

"I actually just ate about an hour can give it to someone else..."

I smile as I turn to Issac, holding it up again.

"You hungry, Issac?"

"Uh...a little..."

"Great! Here ya go!"

I hand it to him as I turn back to the center of the room. Stiles is giving me a look of betrayal as Scott and Derek smile in amusement.

"A-are you sure? What if someone else is hungry?"

"Eh...I always have food sit my favorite student!"

He smiles at me as I hear Stiles gasp. He is even more upset as I ignore him.



"What about Scott? What about me?!"

"Please. Scott's my baby brother, that automatically disqualifies him." Scott nods as he listens to me. "And you, Stiles, are the brother I didn't ask for...that also means you're disqualified..."

He does a full body spasm as he looks at me in disbelief. He's acting as if I killed his cat and fed it to him...

"Besides...there's more than one serving!"

Issac opens the bag, smiling as he pulls them all out. Derek laughs as they all slowly turn their heads, looking at him in disbelief. I cover my mouth to hide my own amusement.

"Did anyone else hear that or am I going crazy?"

I laugh out loud as I shake my head, grabbing one container and handing it to Stiles. He is still looking at Derek in astonishment as I smile over his shoulder, making eye contact with a certain pair of greens.


"Monkeys! You ready?"

"I'm ready Mama!"

Nia rushes in the living room, wearing a cute sun dress she got when we were shopping with Lydia. I smile as look at her.

"You look sooo cute!"

"Thanks, Mama!"

Angel comes in right then, reading as he walks. He stumbles a little as he gets to us.

"You ready, Angel?"

He nods, not looking up from his book. I look at the title, seeing the magic treehouse logo. I smile as I open the door, directing the kids out the door.


It's after dark and I'm in my classroom, grading tests from today. The kids are staying at a friends house, they asked right after school. I decided to use this opportunity to catch up on the grading that I've been slacking on.

I look up as I hear a scream break out.


I slowly stand, heading for the door. I see someone walking ahead of me, red hair flowing around the corner. I scrunch up my face as I follow.

I turn the corner seeing the same thing happening as they turn down the next hall. I notice we're heading for the boiler room and supply closet.

I continue to follow them, anxiousness setting in as I walk down the stairs. I come to the end of the stairs, not seeing anyone. I check every corner, seeing nothing out of the ordinary.

I walk deeper into the room, heading for the supplies. As I get to the other end of the room, I hear growling followed by the door shutting. I drop to the floor, hiding from the two beasts that were shoved in here.

I cover my mouth, trying to keep my breath quiet as I hear them walking down the stairs. I can't tell who it is, or what they are, but I can tell that they are a threat that I'm not prepared for.

My heart beat picks up as I hear the other door slam shut. I crawl to the gate, shutting it as I hear them getting closer. I crawl back, heading for the far back shelf as I hear something else run in. I look up through the cracks, seeing Derek growling as he extends his claws.

I watch helplessly as the the two claw and slash away. I cover my mouth, closing my eyes as I listen to the ripping of his flesh. Hours seem to pass as I lay on the dirty floor, listening to the battle outside the cage I put myself in.

I should get up and help him, I should blow my cover and claw away at the two who are hurting him....I should.

As I go to stand, it begins to calm down. I hear footsteps coming from the steps, rushing towards us. I crouch back down as I hear voices.

Soon after I calm myself down, the other voices leave and only one remains. I peek around the corner of the shelf, seeing Derek holding his stomach as he opens the gate.

I wipe my tears as I slowly stand, looking at him in surprise. I make my way to him, worry clear on both of our faces as I grab him.

"Derek? A-are you okay?"

"I'm fine, 'Stasia. I've had worse..."

I nod a little as I grip his arm, not wanting to let go. He guides me away from the room, his grip on me just as strong as mine.



I had an internal struggle with if Blake was going to have the same story line or another.....

But I think I found a compromise so I hope y'all enjoy!

Drink water!!!!!!!!!

-the Author

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