Ch. 6: Felix

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I'm walking to my classroom when I see Scott and Stiles walking ahead of me. They're talking about something to do with werewolves, that's for sure. I listen in as I walk behind them.

"Not a class, but maybe a teacher..."

Stiles looks at Scott, an annoyed look on his face.

"Who? Derek?" He smacks Scott's head. "You forgetting the part where we got him tossed in jail?!"

"Yeah! I know! But chasing her...dragging her to the back of the bus... it all felt so real..."


"How real?"

"Like it actually happened..."

They go out the double doors. I follow just to the window, seeing a bus messed up with blood everywhere.

Damn it.


I sit at my desk, waiting for everyone to take their seats. Vernon Boyd comes rushing in just as the bell rings. I smile at him as I get up, going to the board.

"Okay... so today, I have decided to start to go over the gold rush. I know that it's something you've went over before, but it's the start of the year. So get out your text books, turn to page sixty."

I hear groaning as they all do it. I shake my head as I walk to my podium, setting my book down.

"Mr. Boyd? Would you start?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Thank you."


I make my way to my apartment, my bags in my hands. It's past nine and the sun has set. As I walk up to the elevator, I hear Ms. Pearl scream.

"Ms. Pearl! Are you okay?!"

I rush to her apartment, finding her clutching her cat with a distraught look on her face. I drop my bags as I reach her, making sure she's okay.

"Felix! He won't wake up!?"

I take him out of her hands as I sooth her.

"It's okay, Ms. Pearl. I'll take him to the vet, I have a friend who runs one not far from here, okay?"

"Oh!? Please hurry!?"

"I will. Will you take my bags? I'll get them later."

"Yes. Just please hurry?!"

I rush out the door with the cat in my arms. I can hear his heart beat, but it's faint. I pull out my phone as I hop in the driver's seat, laying Felix down as I call Deaton.


"Deaton?! It's me, Ana. I have an emergency cat coming in, are you at the clinic?"

"Yes. Come on in."

"Okay. Thank you."


I rush in with the cat in my arms. As I step in, Deaton immediately takes him from me.

"His heart rate is slow... he's a bit cold... do you know what happened?"

"No. It's my neighbor's cat...she was freaking out so I said I would bring him here. She's about ninety."

"Okay. I've got this. Head home. I'll call you in the morning."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course." He doesn't take his eyes off the cat as he speaks. "Now, go."

"Thanks, Deaton. I owe you."

"Nothing knew."


"Ms. Pearl, are you awake?"

I knock on the door, wanting to check on her. I hear shuffling coming from the other side, before the door opens.

"Missy? Did you get him there?"

"Yes, Ms. Pearl. My friend is with him now." I send her a small smile as she lets me in.

"Would you like some tea? I was making it for myself, it calms me."

"I would love some, thank you."

"I'm just so worried. Felix was the last thing my daughter gave me before she passed..."

"I'm sorry for your loss, I couldn't imagine."

"Don't worry, missy. Death is a part of the cycle of life. We don't regret the passing of our loved ones, but of how much time they miss after they have passed."

"That's very insightful, Ms. Pearl..."

"Well, when you've lived as long as I have, you pick up on a few things... cream or sugar?"

"Sugar, please?"

"When Betty passed, I was beside myself. She was the only family I had. I never married, didn't have any siblings, parents long was only her. I adopted her when I was a nurse in the army...she was a little thing living on the streets of some European orphan from the war."

"Wow...I had no idea..."

"How could you? You just moved in." She takes a sip of her tea, looking off into nothing. "She's the one who bought this building...back in the 80s. I was content with our three bedroom house, her working to become a doctor while I worked as a nurse. Before that, she was actually married. She met a nice, strapping young man when she was young. He wanted to start a business, wanted a beautiful woman by his side, but... it fell through... he fell off the wagon and she lost a baby."

She takes a deep breath before she looks back at me.

"She ended up leaving him after he went and found himself a long-legged blonde who had a bank filled with daddy's money..." she gets up and walks to a shelf, one filled with old books and photo albums. "She decided then that she didn't want to live like she was... she put all her money on this building, had it fixed up and rented out. She was the happiest when she was caring for her tenets..."

She flips through a few pages of emerald green album, looking for a certain page. When she finds it, she shows me. On the page is a pretty brunette with brown eyes, a smile on her face as she paints a room blue.

"She passed at the age of 59. She became sick a few years before, they didn't catch it fast enough....she died happy...that's the only thing that gets me through it..."

"I'm so, so sorry...she sounds like an amazing person."

"She was..." she smiles before taking another sip. "I don't regret a single thing...she was the best thing to ever happen to me."

She grabs my hand, squeezing it as she looks me in the eyes.

"If you ever get the chance, adopt. Because you could be the only good thing in that kid's life..."

"Okay..." I smile as I squeeze her hand back.

"My Betty, it's been just over ten years and I..."

"It's okay..."

"I don't know if I can handle loosing Felix..."

"Everything will turn out... don't worry..."



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Drink water!??!!???!!?!!!!!?!!!??

-the author

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